Trope: Definition and Examples | (2024)

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I. What is a Trope?

The word trope can refer to any type of figure of speech, theme, image, character, or plot element that is used many times. Any kind of literary device or any specific example can be a trope. Most often the word is used to refer to tropes that are widespread such as irony, metaphor, juxtaposition, and hyperbole, or themes such as ‘the noble savage’ or ‘the reluctant hero.’It must be used multiple times to be a ‘trope’ but it is also possible talk about something that’s a trope in only one novel or one author’s works if it is used many times.

Trope can also be used asa synonym for “metaphor,” but in this article we’ll focus on the more complex and common definition.

II. Examples of Trope

Example 1

The “ticking clock” is a common trope of screenwriting. If you watch closely, the most exciting scenes in many stories will have a ticking clock – a deadline, the arrival of reinforcements or something else that the protagonists have to struggle against or hold out for. The ticking clock places additional pressure on the heroes and ramps up the dramatic tension in the story.

Example 2

While the role of a mentor is an archetype (see section VI), the way that role is presented may involve any one of a number of tropes. For example, the mentor figure may be shown standing behind the hero, perhaps with a hand on his/her shoulder, giving advice. The Mentor’s long white beard is also a common trope.

Example 3

Tropes can also occur in other art forms. For example, the chord progression known as the “12-Bar” is a trope of blues, rock, and country music. This specific chord progression is used in thousands of different songs, and no one knows who (if anyone) originally invented it.

III. The Importance of Tropes

Like any other literary or artistic techniques, tropes become popular because they work. Tropes get used again and again because they speak to us on some deep level and connect with our experiences, fears, and hopes. However, because tropes are such a vast category, they vary tremendously in terms of their purpose and effects. Each trope is used for something different!

IV. Examples ofTropein Literature

Example 1

The trope of atonement or redemption is such a common trope that it might even be an archetype. In atonement stories, a character has done something wrong and must redeem his/her character or regain the trust of former allies. Often this is done through death, for example when Boromir makes up for trying to steal the Ring from Frodo (Fellowship of the Ring).

Example 2

The trope of “false endearment” is often used to make characters seem creepy or dangerous. Evil characters use overly sugared language, call the protagonist names like “friend” or dear,” and generally act far too intimate for comfort. Overly familiar behavior like this can be disturbing in real life, so storytellers draw on that discomfort to make their characters seem creepy. One example is the serial killer Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men. In the novel, Chigurh frequently calls people “friendo,” despite the fact that he is about to kill them. The oddness of the term, and its obvious inappropriateness under such circ*mstances, makes us deeply uneasy with Chigurh.

V. Examples of Trope in Pop Culture

Example 1

One of the great tropes in science fiction is a metaphor, the “space is the sea” trope. This includes such terms as spaceship, star fleet, or the ranks “captain” and “admiral” used in space contexts.More meaningfully, it is used to create drama and feeling by comparing the experience of space-travelers to that of sailors in the endless and very dangerous seas.

Example 2

One of the most common tropes in television is the “get rich quick scheme.” Some character, perhaps a neighbor or friend, is constantly coming up with new ideas to make a ton of money in a short time, and the episode gets its source of comedy or tension from the ways that plan goes horribly awry. Fred Flintstone, for example, is constantly coming up with ways that he and Barney Rubble can get rich quick – racing cars, inventing soft drinks, gambling rackets, etc. The trope appears in so many episodes that one of Fred’s catchphrases was “Barney, we’re gonna be rich!”

Example 3

The trope of “mounting threat” is common in myths, video games, and movies alike. Over the course of the game, say, you face harder and harder bosses until the final boss, who is the most dangerous and frightening of all. Similarly, you fight on rougher and rougher terrain – after starting out in a sleepy woodland village, you climb a rocky mountain to face the final boss in the crater of an active volcano. An example of this trope from mythology is Beowulf, who fights the monster Grendel, then Grendel’s mother, and then the dragon in increasingly threatening circ*mstances.

VI. Related Terms

The category of tropes is so broad that you may start to wonder what isn’t a trope! The main thing to remember is that a trope is nota single unique instance of something. It usually belongs to more than one work or author—unless an author repeats something enough times for it to become a trope, such as Shakespeare’s “life is a play” metaphor, which is now a trope.It’s something that appears frequently, at least within a particular genre or culture.

Literary terms that are not trope:


When one writer or artist simply rips off another’s ideas, that’s plagiarism, or stealing. A trope is something that floats around in the culture and is so common that no one person can take credit for it. So when another author uses it, it’s not plagiarism – it’s just a trope.


A cliché is a tired, stale, or boring trope. Obviously, this is a bit of a subjective distinction – some people love the “good cop/bad cop” trope, for example, while others find it tiresome and cliché. The best thing to do is use tropes in original ways. Cliché has a very strong negative connotation.


An archetype, such as a mother-figure or father-figure, is a trope that is found in all (or nearly all) human cultures, and is therefore believed to be an expression of universal human desires or experiences. Unlike a cliché or an ordinary trope, archetypes never get old; they are stories and characters that people have retold, in different forms, for thousands of years, and yet no one considers them boring or cliché because they’re too meaningful and relevant to all of us.

Trope: Definition and Examples | (2024)


Trope: Definition and Examples | ›

Any kind of literary device or any specific example can be a trope. Most often the word is used to refer to tropes that are widespread such as irony, metaphor, juxtaposition, and hyperbole, or themes such as 'the noble savage' or 'the reluctant hero.

What is a trope with examples? ›

A trope is a word used in a nonliteral sense to create a powerful image. If you say, "Chicago's worker bees buzz around the streets," you're using a trope. Workers aren't literally bees, but it suggests how fast they move. Trope refers to different types of figures of speech, such as puns, metaphors, and similes.

What is a trope in literary criticism? ›

A literary trope is the use of figurative or metaphorical language (like a figure of speech) for artistic effect. Today, the word trope often signals a common or overused literary device.

What is the rhetorical definition of trope? ›

A rhetorical trope is a figure of speech or literary device that changes the meaning of words. This could be a metaphor or even irony.

What is a typical trope? ›

The word “trope” refers to a common motif or pattern in a work of art. In the context of fiction, character tropes refer to common attributes or even entire stock characters.

What is another word for trope? ›

trope (noun as in metaphor) Strongest matches. analogy image symbol. Strong matches. allegory emblem hope metonymy personification similitude.

What is the difference between a trope and a cliche? ›

A trope is a tried and true story element that people like, and nearly every story has one or several. A cliche just means something has been used too much. It's often just a line or a way of saying things, and isn't necessarily a story type. The only thing they share is they are both commonly used in fiction.

What is a stereotypical trope? ›

Wikipedia says that a literary trope is “a common plot convention, element or theme as a use of figurative language, via word, phrase or an image, for artistic effect such as using a figure of speech” and. A stereotype is a generalized image and it's considered a bad thing.

What is the point of tropes? ›

Tropes are sometimes given a bad name, because they can be mistaken for a cliche. However, tropes are important building blocks of storytelling, especially in genre fiction, because they help set and/or fulfill expectations readers have.

Which of the following is an example of a trope? ›

The phrase, 'stop and smell the roses,' and the meaning we take from it, is an example of a trope. Derived from the Greek word tropos, which means, 'turn, direction, way,' tropes are figures of speech that move the meaning of the text from literal to figurative.

What is the old definition of trope? ›

: a common or overused theme or device : cliché

Is a synecdoche a trope? ›

Synecdoche and metonymy are both types of tropes used in rhetoric. Although both involve replacing one word with another, they are not the same thing.

What is a trope example in literature? ›

“Juliet is the sun!” says Romeo. This is a trope, specifically, it's a type of trope called a metaphor. The other meaning of the word “trope” is a storytelling convention, device, or motif; specific tropes might be a characteristic of a particular genre of storytelling.

What is the most overused trope? ›

1. The Chosen One. Here we are, the number one most overused trope in fantasy, “The chosen one.” The protagonist is born with a mark or sign and foretold by an ancient prophecy, which designates them as the world's savior.

Why do authors use tropes? ›

Tropes allow readers to experiment with new authors and new books in a safe way because they are already familiar with some elements of the story. Tropes are a grab bag of elements for writers to play with.

What does it mean to be called a trope? ›

: a word or expression used in a figurative sense : figure of speech. b. : a common or overused theme or device : cliché the usual horror movie tropes.

What are the 4 tropes? ›

The four master tropes are metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.


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