The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 16 SPORTS. THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 31, 1948" SPORTS Fussing, Feuding Part Of Olympic Contests Present Hockey Squabble Recalls Eleanor Holm, Paavo Nurmi Incidents of Other, Years By Whitney Martin lit necessary to issue a general warn- might as well make feudin' CAP) fusNew York, Jan. 30 sin' officially a part of the Olympic program. They never seem to get along without it. The prolonged dispute over which team if any, should represent this country in the ice hockey competition is just a resumption of disputes down through the years.

For an event is supposed to represent tne ultra -ultra in harmony and goodwill and sportsmanship the Olympic games certainly turn up some queer situations. Hockey was the cause of one of the minor disputes of the 1936 games. It stems that on the eve of the competition the International Ice Hockey Federation upheld a Canadian protest against two Canadian-trained players competing on the British team. The Britons grumbled more than a little, and Canada finally withdrew its protest and allowed the two athletes to compete. Incidentally, they starred for the British team as it defeated the Canadians.

The big hullabaloo of the 1936 games was the dropping of Eleanor Holm Jarrett from the U. S. swimming team over violation of training rules. The action climaxed a rather stormy voyage on which Avery Brundage felt the athletes as to their The 1932 games had their share of finger-pointing and unsavory incidents, chief of which was the barring of Paavo Nurmi less than three days before he was to run at Los Angeles. The IAAF rejected Nurmi's entry on the grounds he had received more than expenses on a barnstorming of Europe, and specifically Germany.

The Finnish delegation blew its top over the action, and seriously considered withdrawing from all competition. It didn't. The 1932 difficulties had started at the winter games at Lake Placid when a spirited controversy arose over U.S. skating style and tactics after Jack Shea had won the 1500-meter event. Another touch of Olympic harmony and good- will was added when the Brazilian water polo team rioted in a dispute with the Hungarian referce.

The water-logged Brasilians put on a real tank act that time. So the current squabble is by no means unique in Olympic history. The fans call understand the action of a customer who dozed off during a wrestling match, awakened two hours later and saw two beefy gents tugging and wheezing in the ring. Grabbing his hat and heading for the exit he muttered: "This is where I came in." TEAMING- UP TO SAVE MONEY Teaming-up is a young American Soda fountain custom--It's also the custom at HALE FURNITURE CO. A HALE SPECIAL! THREE ROOMS COMPLETE 2: $498.

Includes 3-Pc. Bed Room Suite -Choice Of Finish Innerspring Mattress Coil Spring 3-Pc. Sofa-Bed Suite 2 Tables 2 Lamps 1 9x12 Rug 2Pictures A Florence Range Electric Refrigerator (Trade-in) 5-Pc. Kit Set (Choice of Finish) Terms As Low As $5.00 Weekly Low Prices at Hale's Regular $9.95 Feltbase rugs, choice of colors $6.95 Felt base by-the-yard .69 Regular $269 Combination dualoven ranges $219 Reg. $89 All wool rugs Reg.

$22.95 Folding cot $17.95 Reg. $89 Simmons sofa bed Reg. $24.95 Sewing Cabinet $19.95 Florence oil heater $219.00 Value! 3-PIECE Sensational Sofa Covered in lovely modern tapes. tries. Full spring construction for restful comfort.


So NOW HOW DOES HE SPEND HIS TIME? YOU GUESSED IT! SIX HOURS PER DAY (WHEN LUCKY) TO AND FRO ON STOP I RAISE A BUS THANX AND A EAR MUFFS THE HATLO RIK ST. ALARIK, KING FEATURES WORLD RIGHTS RESERVED. MINN. Branch Rickey Given First McNamee Memorial Award New York, Jan. 30-Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, will receive the first annual Graham McNamee Memorial Award on Feb.

24 for his outstanding contributions to sports in 1947, Ted Husing. president of the Sports Broadcasters' Association, announced today. 1. Presentation of the plaque will be made at 3 dinner here where guests will include James A. Farley, former postmaster general; Gen.

Maxwell Taylor, superintendent of the U. S. Military Academy; Eddie Eagan, chairman the New York State Athletic Commission and Dan Topping, president of the New York Yankees' baseball and football teams. The award' is named after the late McNamee, one of America's pioneer sports announcers. Three Maroon 3 Teams On Road Three basketball teams bearing the colors of Springfield College will see action tonight.

The varsity squad will attempt to get back in the win column again after a hard fought game with A. I.C. by defeating Clark ersity at Worcester. The J.V. charges will be looking for their third victory tonight at Waterbury, where they will play the University of Waterbury extension.

The Maroon yearlings will also be seeking their third victory of the season at the expense of Suffield Academy. Little rest will be given the Maroon team all during the month of February as it has, nine games scheduled. More woes were added to the Springfeld growing list in the game with A.1.C. when Ted Campagnolo, lanky varsity starter, injured his leg. John Barker is also still on the injured list with his troublesome charlex -horse.

It is expected that Tom Cartmill and Mike Corcoran will start in place of the ailing regulars. The J. V. forces of Archie Allen have come along well since losing their opening, game to Rhode Island V. squad has won its last two games defeating University of Hartford Extension and Morse Business College.

Amherst Team In Garden Meet Amherst, Jan. 30 The Amherst College relay team will travel to Madison Square Garden Saturday to compete in the Millrose Games. Wesleyan, Willians, and Middlebury will be the Jeff competition for the quadrangular event. Amherst holds the consecutive mile relay record by winning seven straight years from 1929 to 1935 inclusive. The team's overall record stands at seven wins, three seconds, fourth.

Coach Al Lumley's starting quarter! will he Peter Soderbergh, Evans, Phil de Gozzaldi, "and William Scott, in that order with Herb Middieton as alternate. All are sophom*ores with the exception of Capt. Evans, who is a junior. No Result After Ott, Dyer Confab New Portia Jan. 30 (AP) Several hours of talk between gers Mel Ott of the New York Giants and Eddie Dyer of the St.

Louis Cardinals have failed result in any progress toward a. deal, Ott said today. "We have gone over the list of players from top to bottom, but SO far it has been just talk," Ott said. "Maybe something will happen and maybe it won't. Dyer is the only National Leaguer I have seen so far on this visit, though I talked to most of during the December meetings." Ott, admitting that the Giants' biggest need was better pitching, said he was interested only in dickering for a standout hurler.

He is not interested at this time in Shortstop Eddie Miller, who has been put on the trading market by the Reds. McMahon, Hockey Star, Fined $500, Suspended Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. Mahon. defenseman erstwhile coach of the Houston Huskies, has been suspended and fined $50 by the U.S. Hockey League club for breaking training rules, it was announced here today.

McMahon. who formerly played for the AHL Buffalo Bisons and is still the local team's property. is scheduled to have a get-together here tomorrow with Buffalo General Manager Art Chapman. MAROONS DEFEAT LIONS Maroons defeated Orchard Lions a yesterday afternoon in the Myrtle Street gym, 29 to 23. Summary: Rochester and Trinity Return 1 To Jeff Slate Williams at Amherst Nov.

13. In Final Game On 1948 List Amherst, Jan. 29-The renewal of gridiron' rivalries with two former opponents, the University of Rochester and Trinity College, highlights the 1918 College grid schedule released here today by Head Coach Lloyd P. Jordan. The Jeffs open their eight schedule they tra-1 to Rochester, Sept: for the first meeting of these two teams since before the war and.

make their first appearance in three years' against Trinity when they journey to Hartford, Nov. 6. The traditional Little Three rivalry gets under way at Middletown Oct. 23 when the Jordanmen tangle with Wesleyan and winds up at Amherst with the visit of Williams College on Nov. 13.

Other opponents listed are the same as the last two years with Coast Guard, Colby and Tufts showing here while Bowdoin meets the Jeffs at Brunswick, Maine. The schedule: Sept. 25, University of Rochester, away; Oct. 2, Coast Guard. home; Oct.

9, Bowdoin, away; Oct. 16, Colby, home; Oct. 23, Wesleyan, away; Oct. 30, Tufts, home; Nov. 6, Trinity, away; Nov.

13, Williams, home. Dodds Favored to Win Feature Wanamaker Mile Pounding Parson, Unbeaten Since 1943, Can Retire Trophy by Triumph sin' team down tne little, its was over New York, Jan. 30 (AP)-America's indoor track and field stars, their eyes on the Olympics just six months away, move into Madison Square. Garden tomorrow night to test their running and jumping prowess 'in the 41 annual games of the Millrose Athletic 'Association. Champion Entered With 'national champions entered in every event, the 15,000 seats available for the first of five important meets scheduled at the Garden during this pre-Olympic season have been sold out for weeks.

Heading the list of feature events on the -studded program is the famed Wanamaker Mile in which national champion Gilbert. Dodds of the Boston Athletic Association, undefeated on the boards since 1913, will, shoot for his 20th straight indoor Five triumph other at leading the among the current crop have been Invited to run against the Pounding Parson, who made his 1948 debut a week ago by winning the mile at the Boston K. ot C. games in 4:08.4. The hardy souls assigned to the task of chasing Dodds around the 11 laps on the Garden's banked-board track are Gerry Karver of Penn State, national AAU, NCAA and ICAAAA outdoor champion; Leslie Mac Mitchell of the New York Athletic Club, A two-time Wanamaker winner like Dodds; Bill Mack of ing this pre-olympic season have Michigan State, Ross of Villa.

nova and Quentin Brelsford of Ohio Wesleyan. Dodds, holder of the world indoor record 4:06.4 and Milirose mark of 4:07.4 won the Wanamaker last year in 4:09.2 and can retire the trophy by winning tomorrow night. Mao Mitchell also can no capture the trophy by the same, but highly improbable, method. Such veterans as Barney Ewell, national 200 meter champion, and Eddie Conwell, national indoor sprint fking, are entered in the 60-yard dash, while Harrison Dillard of Baldwin- Wallace, the hurdles champ, is top-heavy favorite in the 60-yard sticks. Dick Phillips, Brown University freshman who soared if feet, inches to win at Boston, will try his skill against a field including botn national indoor and outdoor titlehol.

ders and four others who have clear ed 6 feet, 6 inches. 3 Important Ice Games Listed The Springfield Industrial Hockey League has an important doubleheader scheduled for the Coliseum tomorrow afternoon. For three of the teams the outcome of these games will decide whether or not they will be in the post-season playoffs. In a National Division match BigelowSanford meets Indian Motocycle, and the winner clinches third, spot. the only undecided playoff position.

Gilbert Barker tie or win over Somersville puts that club in the American Division playoffs, and a defeat eliminates them. Play starts at 2. Indian has been tabbed the "dark horse" of the league. After losing five straight games, the Cyclists came back in their last three with one win and two ties, giving them four points. Bigelow is one point up, but a defeat enables Indian to cline: third.

Even one point for a tie enough for the Weavers in. Bigelow's main offensive punch is carried by Norm Cormier, Jim MeMahan, Ray Douthwright, Walt Balsaweicz, and Tillman Cormier. Frans Ferranti, Bob Ferriter, Charlie Donovan, and Bob Finn are Indian's spark plugs. Rifles to Play Mets in Garden Manager Tom Dolan will "take his Springfield Rifles to tomorrow for an Atlantic Hockey League match with the New York Metropolitans at Madison Square Garden in an afternoon game. One week from tomorrow the Mets will be at the Coliseum for a return with Coach Angelo Bertelli's team.

Next weekend will be a busy one for the Rifles, as they travel to Providence to meet the Scarlets on Saturday. In another league match Providence meets the Junpics in Boston. The Scarlets and the Rifles hold a one-point margin at present, but a Springfield defeat and a Providence victory will enable the Rhode Island team to take over second place. On Trust Tops Futurity Field Arcadia, Jan. 30 (AP)topweighted On Trust, field of 13 was named today to run in the inaugural.

$100.000 Santa Anita Maturity an expected crowd of 60,000 turf fans tomorrow. The first major stake of 'its kind hung up exclusively for four-year-olds, the mile and one- quarter maturity drew the following entries, listed by post positions: 1. Hemet Squaw: 2. Tropical Sea; 3. Staf Night; Brabancon; 5.

6. Miss Kimo; 7. Triskelion; Flashoo; 9. Lodge Night; 10. On Double Jay; 12.

Cornish Knight; 13. Wheatfield. If all thirteen answer the bugle at 26 p. m. (PST) the winner will collect $83.500 net.

Doran Draws Fine of $100 New York. Jan. 30 (AP) -Maurice Podoloff, president of the American Hockey League, today fined Center Lloyd Doran of the Indianapolis Capitals $100 for breaking, his stick over the head of an opponent in A game in Providence last night. Podoloff said that Doran is not under suspension and is free to resume play with his mates. Doran cracked his stick over the head of Providence's Chuck Scherza in the third period in a game won by Providence, 6-2.

Lowell Textile Here Tuesday as originally scheduled. TAILOR GIVEN REST Boston, Jan. 30 (AP) -Boston Henry Butova, athletic director at American International College, announced yesterday that the AIC basketball team would play Lowell Textile in the Tech High gym Tuesday night instead of Thursday night Bruins' forward, Billy Taylor, has been given a week's leave of absence to return to his Tshawa, home. the will be club filled announced tonight. His place! tomorrow night against the Chicago Black.

Hawks ky Johnny Peirson, recalled from Hershey of the American Hockey League. Peirson will skate at right wing on a line centered by Milt Schmidt with Ken Smith at the other wing. Cd Harrison will be alternate forward, NEW DUDS--Joe in Boston poses proudly in the new uniform he will wear this season as manager of the Boston Red Stiami, Jan. 30 Louise Sugas Dorothy Kirby, both of Atlanta, won their matches today and advanced to the 36-hole finals of the Helen Lee Doherty golf tournament, scheduled Saturday. Miss Suggs, national amateur champion.

defeated Evelyn Odom of Miami. 5 and 3 after equalling men's par of 36 on the outward nine, when she was 3 up. Miss Kirby defeated Mrs. Charles Harting of Miami, 3 and 2. The Georgia girl shot a 37 on the outward nine to Mrs.

Harting's 40. Atlanta Girls In Final Round CALL' 6-8262. STUDEBAKER Genuine Parts Wholesale and- Retail J. C. BYRNES CO.

Direct Factory Dealer 34 Sumner Ave. -Near Longhill St. Hermann I INC. Quality Dry Cleaning Since 1908 WE CLEAN YOUR FAVORITE 4 DRESES Help them keep those just-right lines, and when you send dresses send us EVERYTHING that needs dry cleaning. We clean ANYTHING cleanable.

Phone for'a routeman Holyoke's Only Air- Conditioned Fur Storage A 146 BROWN AVE. TEL. 4401 ENTERPRISE 6004 FINAL DAYS OF BRIDGE Corner" Pre-Inventory GREEN STAMPS Given With Every Purchase, Values 3 SPECIALG BLACK CRAVENETTE RAINCOATS Can be worn with or without belt. Patch pockets with side opening. Sizes 38-44 Ready Wear Second Moor FUR COATS ONE BLACK MOUTONS NORTHERN -SEAL JUST TWO- Size 42 LEFT $100 $75 Plus Tar Plus Tar READY TO WEAR Second ho*r GIRL'S REGULATION DRESSES BROKEN LOT OF BETTER GYM SUITS SEQUIN DRESSES TRIM $1095 SIZES I0 20 $375 Ready To Wear Second Floor GIRLS' DEPARTMENT--Second Floor GIRL'S WOMEN'S FULL FASHIONED PURE SILK RUN RESIST COTTON DRESSES HOSIERY Prints Sizes 7 to 14 Reinforced foot.

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$2.59 $2.98 $1.79 UNDERWEAR First Floor GIRLS' INFANTS' Second Floor -BAsem*nT WOOL IMPORTED DOWN FILLED' WHITE BLANKETS PILLOWS 72 90 Linen Type Ticking An American Woolen $998 With Interlining. Each $798 Product CANNON PILLOW CASES SHEET BLANKETS 42 36 81 99 First Quality $349 Each 69c STEVENS ALL LINEN 3 36 INCH WHITE DISH TOWELING OUTING FLANNEL 16 INCH Red, Green Heavy Yd. Yellow Borders. Yd. 49c Tooles MAIN and BRIDGE 1 STS.

P. I.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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