The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (2024)

By Taylor KiserJump to Recipe

This pumpkin hummus is the best hummus recipe! Complete with Cinnamon “sugar” baked tortilla chips, you won’t be able to stop eating!
The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (1)
The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (2)

You know what I’m really terrible at?

I’m pretty convinced that I have a black thumb.

I mean, I even killed a cactus once.

HOW DO YOU KILL SOMETHING THAT DOESN’T EVEN NEED WATER? These are the things in life that I don’t understand.
The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (3)

But, then we moved back to Washington and I figured that I was now in the land of green-ness and opportunity.

Whatever that means.

SO, I decided to start a garden. And by garden I mean that I saw a whole basil plant at the store for like 2 bucks, and it said ALL I had to do was put it in a cup with 1 inch of water and I would have basil for LYFE yo’.

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (4)

I brought it home and squealed (except I didn’t squeal at all) to the Huberoni about how excited I was for our new, gardening adventure. We even used some of the fresh-osity to garnish our dinner that night.

I went to bed and visions of basil leaves danced in my head.

Like sugar plums, without the Christmas thing.

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (5)

I’m not Costco. I’m not ready for that Holiday yet.

I woke up. I ran to the kitchen like a kid on Christmas morning (okay, maybe I am subconsciously ready for it) AND…..

MY BASIL WAS DEAD. It was all black and wither-y OVERNIGHT. No Homemade hummus with kale pestofor me.

This is why we don’t have kids. Mr. FFF doesn’t trust me with anything living.

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (6)

But, you know what the best cure for having dead basil is?

Making a recipe that doesn’t need it. TAKE THAT BLACK THUMB.

Plus, I was all depressed and what not about the “incident” (let’s call it that) so I didn’t want to put any effort into cooking.

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (7)

So, I decided to make the BEST hummus recipe AND keep it easy-chick-peasy for you. See what I did there? CLEVER.

And, there’s pumpkin. I know you like that because you DEVOURED those pumpkin blondies and paleo pumpkin cake bars.

Especially when it tastes like pumpkin pie in the yummiest healthy snack/dessert/I-don’t-quite-know-how-to-classify-it, that you can dip your whole head into.

Or the cinnamon “sugar” baked tortilla chips. That might be cleaner.

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (8)

Just maybe though.


Pumpkin Hummus with Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips

5 from 3 votes



Serves: 2 As a snack

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (9)

Prep: 15 minutes minutes

Cook: 15 minutes minutes

Total: 30 minutes minutes


  • For the hummus:
  • 1 Cup Reduced-sodium Chickpeas de-skinned (180g)*
  • 3/4 Cup Canned pumpkin
  • 1/4 cup Maple syrup
  • 2 tsp Pumpkin pie spice
  • 2 tsp Coconut oil melted + additional for drizzling, if desired.
  • For the chips:
  • 1 Whole wheat tortilla
  • 1/2 Tbsp Coconut oil melted
  • Truvia for sprinkling
  • Cinnamon for sprinkling


  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and rub a cookie sheet with melted coconut oil, set aside.

  • To de-skin the chickpeas:

  • Drain the chickpeas and spread them out on a paper towel. Gently squeeze each chickpea until the thin, papery skin comes off. Repeat with remaining chickpeas

  • Add the chickpeas, pumpkin , maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice and 2 tsps of coconut oil into a small food processor and process until smooth. You may need to stop the processor and scrape down the sides every so often to get everything smooth and mixed, depending on how strong your processor is. Mine took a good 5 to 6 minutes of blending.

  • Cut the tortilla into 8 triangles and lay on the prepared cookie sheet. Brush with 1/2 of the melted coconut oil and then sprinkle with cinnamon and Truvia. No need to use an exact measurement, just give a good pinch of Truvia for each chip.

  • Bake for 8 mins, or until lightly golden. Flip the tortillas, brush with remaining oil and sprinkle with more cinnamon and Truvia. Bake for another 7-8 minutes until the tortillas are a deep golden, brown. They will not seem crunchy at first, as the Truvia will melt. But, once the chips cool and Truvia hardens, you will nice and crunchy chips!

  • Drizzle the hummus with additional melted coconut oil, if desired, and DEVOUR with the chips!

Nutrition Info:

Calories: 388kcal (19%) Carbohydrates: 65.3g (22%) Protein: 9g (18%) Fat: 11.7g (18%) Saturated Fat: 7.5g (47%) Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.2g Monounsaturated Fat: 5g Sodium: 378mg (16%) Potassium: 520mg (15%) Fiber: 9.2g (38%) Sugar: 28.2g (31%) Vitamin A: 14300IU (286%) Vitamin C: 5.3mg (6%) Calcium: 130mg (13%) Iron: 4mg (22%)

Nutrition Disclaimer

Recipes written and produced on Food Faith Fitness are for informational purposes only.

Author: FoodFaithFitness

Course:Appetizer, Snack


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Nutrition Facts

Pumpkin Hummus with Cinnamon Sugar Tortilla Chips

Amount Per Serving

Calories 388Calories from Fat 105

% Daily Value*

Fat 11.7g18%

Saturated Fat 7.5g47%

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2g

Monounsaturated Fat 5g

Sodium 378mg16%

Potassium 520mg15%

Carbohydrates 65.3g22%

Fiber 9.2g38%

Sugar 28.2g31%

Protein 9g18%

Vitamin A 14300IU286%

Vitamin C 5.3mg6%

Calcium 130mg13%

Iron 4mg22%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (14)


The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (15)

Want more pumpkin?

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Protein Pumpkin Spice Popcorn

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Coconut White Chocolate Pumpkin Cookies

More pumpkin from around the web:

Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Chip Bites – Running To The Kitchen

Healthy Double Pumpkin Pie Granola – GI 365

Stay in DA KNOW (and get special behind-the-scenes info) by following along with FFF on Pinterest, Facebook,and Twitter!

This post may contain affiliate links, but I only recommend products that I actually use and <3. Thanks for supporting FFF!

The BEST Hummus Recipe: Pumpkin Hummus - Food Faith Fitness (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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