News from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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NEWS TODAY MAX TEMP CL3O pmi 683 ine Cool To Moderate Temperatures Vol No 3211 ADELAIDE: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2 1933 THREE HALPENCE (PHONE IVE LINES) IGURES UP LOUR TAX Mystery Death in Locked Room at Parkside BLIXTEN IN DEMAND I Sterling Gallop SMALL WOUND IN Moonta With Streamers lying Leaves for Turf Classic New Building The Cause CHEST Returns i ruitless Search Made 4 or Weapon PUZZLING EATURES mere Lo i Hawkins ko wheat LANG MP OR BOOKMAKERS available two big DKOPs Denies Rumor IN WEEK About Tests Quick Changes shield xi here wvii inr drop "oaiuif irn Australian ineiinM to weaken riigntiy and eo from one day to an Tot captain denied a rumor that ho is Palphar but Rusch steadily gaining i experfenevtf twice an invitation to co to England with the Australian team next order PpeferHwc th ternoAa Registration Obstacle i Dm I UVKnr URUIW BDOUt DHD DUZt vhen bv whom or Prof Cleland lth a number of ww tho ininrr tj He Topkal Prvtaci ind Mr Nieass of the proKi or monorreij wouia rreatea Air Aieass oi the Au for builders if Tnilstratisw trf 4atOoverBtheBn Awxdatkm mai torn near the I would snr on Mr Bardolph MP reward MONOPOLY Leaving for the Melbourne Cup I Second Reading of Bill Next Thursday Late Sales on wa set down for next Thursday! fit the request of the Premier I STOP PRESS ollowers Might Regard Success as The GUINEAS a periou woica ineiuue ui to attend the Lots Council career airman it ia feared that to make him a ah LI An kVwifJ nwi fcrant would establish au awkward prece to in Adelaide on TTiure i BLUE YALTEY BUTTER ot Torrens Blight was Beftatered at the GPO Adelaide for transmission by poet aa a newspaper aeoted the attendant at the hospital and Plainclothes Constable Davie ap rINALHOME ORECAST: Better Butter2 1 1 ii js' occurT'V lhe: Although the Government appreciate Mr Rlt)er win on Wedniav ane vaue ui ms injruc ami ui as an wh tbe Assistant Minister of Defence The convention which has been itting each day thir week will conclude its buoinoMs tomorrow The subject of registration of builders wae introduced at today's meeting by Mr Barrett of Perth Efforts made in the various States to secure Acta provid ing for the registration of builders were outlined by Mr Barrett and other dele gatee It was mid that the chief obstacle was the fear of Govermnaits that a ftlose meeerve or monopoly would be created are protected and the working people have on OvUIct meir aroitration awards announced tle It exported' nude until to 4 1 THE SEAL QUALITY out a handle could be made to nierve the he added "and it is Quite in possible to decide i Acceptances for races to be (run at lemington on Saturday are on Page 2 tine nowhng Wondfull is stances surrounding the death present most unusual fu tures He was satis fied that the imurv from which Blight died was caused bv Mrs Eliza Jane de Gama road Brompton said that nor hrufhr I Blight since he was 14 years old The reason for that was family trouble She had not seen him fur two or three years JOURNALIST TO BE REED The Betting Bill was introduced in the Assembly this afternoon by the Premier 1 VI 1 KUT IAC1 It wag read a hret tune ana tn geona NEARLY TWO MILLIONS German Prince Aids Hitler Page 8 Wtnooka Wins in USA Tension In Palestine Page 11 l1a Cl Wk MO VMl his opinion it would have been I xtneTM tne builders were introduced other sections would soon be clamoring for mtnilar pro tection Mr Reynolds of Sydney moved that with a view to stimulating the bnild ing industry the ederal Government 1 T1 Hntlninff material from sales tax The motion was seconded hr Mr Turner of Sydney and carried Immigration Needed of the Cup lit unlew the gcLlmg i badlv ltentm in the Melbourne Stakes Mr Grant Hay left Gavin Gwl and GolUn Magn in the Wakeful Stakes but alter arceptancH were declared tijw afternoon he stated that there a JKM fdbility that GokLn Magnet would nut I meet the engagement or the Cup Blixton has firmed whila RVal Su ia still drifting Hail Mark too inclined to weaken tfliiriitlv and an During the last statistical rear a little more than 50000 tons of flour were con 1 sumed in South Australia The president of the ederated Master Association (Mr Linn) said that a flour tax of £5 would meXfi IbMplla ro Game Carrington PetaU Illixten Trivento Re jvu Hall Marx IVUt Jackson Sord Rnacdi PiCTitna Break Shaiow King Palnhar Greenhorn Gnlerlna fur the tour Thia the Aufltra I win captain a first viwt to Adelaide since tile mnorabP: third Test againvt jtbe Engihfamen last January when he In a paper on immigration Mr Day of Brisbane said that the depres sion had diverted attention from the vital problem of more adequately peopling Aus tralia It was an alarming fact he said that in the past three years nearly 15000 British migrants had returned to Britain from Australia To aMume that immigration was unde sirable at present was taking a short view It was possible now that it would assist rather than retard Australia provided the people were spread over the country and i a Mi White of Melbourne said! that the organisation of the building in dusty in Australia was so large that an outlet for it could not be provided by natural increase alone Immigration would be needed but it should be natural and not forced by Gov ernment measures If the building trade were busy there would be no serious un employment CUP CARNIVAL i (rom whs in Melbaama for the Cup Carnival) LBi Thursday Bfwauso of sterling gallop Blixton has firniM in demand both for the VRC Derby on Saturday nnd thMellaiurne Cup Tuesday greiUt carnival wiM begin 35 jeminzton on rMturaay the opening iay of the Victoria Lacing Club spring nnvt ing or the four days of the fixturetake money of the vahk of £34 A' hasbeen set vide and £7fi5fi will lie made availably on Saturday I inn acceptances tor the £IO Car tala Stakes were declare on Tueedav and three for the £3nn0 Vi'bA Marilnrnonj Hate £Tt0 Walceinl Stakes and £40 Hotbam Handicap wet declared at 2 o'elock tbL afternoon I Acceptances for the £7M Melbourne Stakes will not fall due until three quar ter of an hour before thu starting time of that event Intense interest will be taken in the frni the Melltoutne Cun candidates Horsce engaged in the race are down t' start in Derby MelbourneStakes an Hot haul Handicap If the Derby winner a t'np aspiranthe is sure to xw into more farot forthc tuo twiler Hoscver it is not likrly 1 that Rogida will his position at tha AIDING ARMERS) It is estimated that tbe Imposition or a a ton flour tax would cost "consumers in this State about 250000 1 1 a year mure ior ortau vr a penny mure 1 a loaf On the other hand South Anstraliau farmers would receive about £84 1000 more for a 40 million bushel harvest THE CLP CROWD leaving Port Adelaide for Melbourne aboard the motor hip Moonta which made a special trip for the tori classic A large crowd of friend saw the voyagers off and the wbarf presented a gar spectacle streamers floated from the side of the ship as she slowly got under wav (Mory on Page 12 I Penny More A Loaf in SA Adelaide is having a trelD UPSlther rhuni'i'M has the mercury been if UJia 4 HUH Rr Ur ua other have the price roae nonnahy to i6 the price I qt otherwise Vi wwiu rwe iu cuuBerjuence nc The Coroner Would a man of normal BII eutiLU uac uwu auic u' always oppo ed any move that rmaea the weapon out of bijs oWn Such VALUES aa this have made us LEADERS the urnishing World be pro harvest and en He had Dever given any indication that be intended to take nu nc Drsf lAhTS RnMAn AVR du ted a post mortem exanination of the i body said that he found a very fine niiwtured wound travelling in a slightly vinei) uffUMHT U2urc javuiru i 1 think that the rate of flour tax direction towards the heart would fluctuate according to the world 1 rh7 wfas a th! price for wheat An increase of 64 in Tat ch emerges from the left the price bearing the mark of perma i Ri and tood I neney would mean a decrease in the flour the body except the lungs Death 1 Mr Hawkins raid due the wound in the aorta Th nrlent the Arao which had canoed an effusion 01 b'ood Intafinn IXfra 1V varm Mnrdri st aid that In I st was another tax on the community and Oimeun wave one that affected many people who could weapon ill auoiu iu 1 uc Tv I be tioneewires Aesociatmn nw gtreiltfth have been pncea of staple commodities but at the jrof cielend 1 suppose it could haveme time it realises that the producer been done must be given a fair living woud be easier for someone else to (Centinaed an Page II) have extracted it? Yes I think so WERCLR WOODULL PRANKS UU I wara in wnicn niigat was an inmate About 5 nm ho tnm 11 nts lu the exercise yard and saw him going to this in consistent a rwu inrir ww iiocning tne slight UIIUBUSI atKMJl nun Blight uuuiuct ui outer patients nflicted nUrT WJS iept in a rxn with six other men blame canbe attached to the hos Search by Attendant 1 NOT UNUSUAL I Systems move more rapidly frui the spring to early summer when rhe weather generally said Mr Brom 1 ley todny drop of 3U to 35 degrees: jin a day although largo ys not urruanaL: Changes are even greater when aecom panted by rain" we waj( aI Woodfull I IMIH'A tinnia rwJnt niaining fine and for the next! jew nays Yesterday? temperatures contrasted those of today up L43 pa are: YeUerSay TeSay taste ex On hta arrival fn viebride today So prankish witb the Victorian Sheffield Shield that drops of team Waudfidl the Australian Will Be Expelled rom Germany aa it would with flour tax REWARD DISABILITIES "A flour tax would help South Aus peared to assist the coroner tralia as a whole because in comparison Ta with the conmimption of bread otir wheat Known as Blight tApiv uipiu0 wm ue vilrtu inai i of any other State Thus some of the' money raiseu Dy tne eonsmuption ot flour in Queensland which glows little wheat and in New South 'Vales and Victoria where the tax would portionately greater than th? would come to South Australia rich the State Australia deserves tlifi lion ami mis is one at tfie lew material advantages that ths State will have ever others usually more favored Says Evil Should Be Controlled i there any signs of quarrekwmenere said No Ditl mil TirxfiiAA He had leen known as No Was his ahirt nave no recollection added that after the patienta were in bed and covered he came out and locked the door The room contained ecven beds aaj two stools There was nothing else The bedsteads were of heavy iron and there was nothing long and tine that could have been detached I (Continued page II) The order nf preference seems to Hall Mark Blixten Trivento Palphar Break Miralioiid VullewiiTa Brums Saurian Nellie's Tip Ibirlewilie Wa sold this tar wt 1 Klimts lu jir rrinan KOUinUJU wau the Wta nana at the nets today! Jk will be trained by Dohnhv 7 (Review of practice on H) I (Cup Barrier Positions Pane II) £781407 RISE IN LAST QUARTER urther evidence of the healthy'tban they would OU present rates revival of the building indus try is provided by figures for the July September quarter These show an increase of mqivji in xne vaiue or Mu vi rz an increase of a nennv in the Drice of buildings erected in the six bread If the tax were £2 10 or less: capital cities of Australia: the increase would be a halfnennv "Wp do not think that a flour tax ia I compared with the same vhe begt wav helD wheat industry quarter of last year I he saxl "It another tax On the i 1 'people We are in entire svmnathv with The nznrea oubmitted to the con tbe wheat farmer and fear that he must ventian of the Australian Master Butldere jhave Unte but this would make it ederation in Adelaide today harder for the rom January to June the increase was think it is arm out certain that the 0923D making the total for the first proposed flour tax will be Ti (fla rannl ka zut 4 Ra 1 7Q4b i La a 4 A i 9 I man it wa tnr tne same nine montns or last year Tlw following figures refer to the period conference in Canberra from January to rpteiDter of I33 and 1933 except for Adelaide where the period is from January to August They give a comirtrisnn oi values of new buildings alterations and additions approved hr councils in the metropolitan areas of the six cities The comparison Mr If spportURitv offarx Mr Bardolph owiey ynved with metwnc spee i Will aba trv to bavo a pravbtoa for People flocked the beachee last night State lottarlea la aid of aablie hospb Jin the catching a sea lirww how ram evr fnKU SIP ra011 I 1 wrara MVk oaaj'1 Ultrv ft Km bet sn idow jMMteBk ft atrtaig'yrind M4w Jadr I a scamper was made for trams and motor (Cars The cool change had made iUvlf ieiv Mr Mission To Belgium CANBERRA Thursday Nk coniinu: cation has Vw rn Lv flm 1 Governmeni from the High Commission i (Mr BniceJ about his negotiations the Belgian Government to prevent a di riminatinir ar tion acrainst Australian it and flour i ue mst anne me na i LOTTERY MOVE Licensing bf bookmakers Is strongly dtmvWkrfarl lT thru zx iho antv Party (Mr Badolpbl who claims that wiiu uis uari vs ta ottinn expenenciM tvirnin a week He will vote for the second reading of1 year the Betting Bill but contemplates mov dvr I ing several important amendments in com tanperature was Yes Rep been current that Wowl i jjjjttee terday the city sweltcrfd as the mercury full following his appointment an Aus Among these will be a proposal to have to 1(10 at the tralian selector would not be starting price bookmakers legalised as a Mystery still surrounds the death of Richard Blight aged 51 in the Parkside Mental Hospital on October 22 He was found in a locked room with a wound in his chest but no weapon was discovered The wound was so minute that it was not revealed until a post mortem examb nation had been made The coroner (Mr A Blackburn) held an enquiry today and returned an open finding Medical testimony did not disclose how or when the wound was inflicted operative Union Ltd (fr Hawkins correct Dame was MLC) one of the delegates to the wheat! Jones and he had been annntrpnr in neo wnea costs of a abort Denod 28 a bushel the cot i Mr Blackhu of the flour in a loafigajj that the circum ot bread is io increase the price of wheat to 46 which the flour tax may aim to do would be to raise the cost of the flour bv kd loaf This amount would some verv fine sharp vary according to the instrument driven price of offal but it into hit chest would certainly noti "It appears ditn mean an added cot lt to sav how irh of more than a penny aD instrument wiU: to tfie baKcM flour tax is pre ferable to a fixed wheat price for home Mr Hawklsx MLC consumption which would affect the poul try industry The poultry industry is now a big factor i 1 cinnaf aAa alAnlJ ret be protected as other industries arelDital authorities 4aff or attendants 1 dai7n' He found that Blight came to his death Describing the routine before the in substitute for the State wide totalisatorl The mol change pn miaod yesterday by are Protected and the working neon! hv ni mates went to bed lrv vu 4MU HVVU tuafc recvwtnfnara ny tne Bern ng vwuiumsiou me yjovemmcm Mi'Ceo'Xfloinst their nrhitmtion arrl undreratvl 1 the farmer receives 4 6 a bushel Instrument but there was no evidence to They were then searched and admit i can carry on and create employment If faow whether the injury was self inflicted roora He searched Blight raMM WJC UtUCB ITba CwsmYm 6fd not And a AWNB at MTtr uiraji raeming sn nOti tBTthin unusual about that hL Inf rXen! him or as it cannot be effee $5 berat nto No tivelv atamied out I It MfirlAfnh inmates of that room today "It is the 1 duty of the State to any bood on hu shirt? control sucn an evu JUBL ta IUTX4AVAI practitioner realis ing that his patient 1 suffering from some disease whicii be cannot cure sets about controlling tbe disease MAKING A "My party believes that anv system oi control should further than simply licensing bookmakers on racecourses This tt nnlil moun handitiff zier the liettinc bust 1 ness to a big betting ring thereby making! a monopoly of it "Workers who cannot afford to atteni race meetings but derive pleasure from their small lets should also be catered for It would be unfair to introduce 1 system that enabled people of affluence to make large bets within the law yet' 1 compelled the worker tv break the lav SHOTS OLLOW I "SMn? cS has admitted lthH smaU betto are entitled to som consideration by its proposal for off tlit rw la Mj I uouree totulisators But this scheme has disadvantages and I think it would be preieraine Mir Wr i makers Betting by this method could Ivlan Dead Oman be just as effectively controlled as betting 7 1 with bookmakers on the racecourse oi Wniindfd i £'nera' i ne SIX Airg so iar itniiw gvnvrv their individual through teas that Mr Rgice was leuvinz 1) I 1 hnrttor Br iHztw II hsr ft on mu I mateiv tor nruraeu It is expected that rei st the corner of Glenmore and New warmly endorsed tne legalisation ot will lodge icR'it on the sitnati nosgihle (Other references or Page 12) Richard John Prof Cleland added that it was inniate of the sible for the wound to have been inflicted i Hui excretion some hours before death Blight might have walked about for some hours When! he lay down to sleep the wound in the I aorta might have gaped and allowed thei I escape of blood Also it wa3 possiblethat there might have been a slight leak I for some time Tbe wound in the skin I was so minute that it escaped his ob Servation for some time The Coroner What sort of weapon inyour opinion caused the wound? 1 Prof Samethini of tho i calibre of a fine knitting noodle John Gerald O'Leary an attendant at smu kk uentai Hospital said tba onSunday October 22 he was on dutv in 2 ward in whiah Rlioit ft a lVkwn A Moonta for Kathleen had a HH Mr said the 37 (47) 18M ULM MAY GET HIGHER RANK BERLIN November 1 Mr Noel Panter the British journalist will be released and expelled from Germany Thu i dw ision of the State Attor neys Department at Leipzig wnich sees no prnnnd for a orosecntion tnougn it considers that his turther stay in uennany undesirable Mr Panter who was the Mimich co: Daily Telegraph raipndent ot London was arreAed on October 24 on nt ewnionaee The British Consul promptly mad ap plication for particulars of the charge but three have never been given Tt is believed that Mr report if Herr Hitler'a review of 20000 Storm Tnxp at Kelheim led to his arrest Mr Panter said gnificance attaches to thift military disnlar than either th? Chancellor or Nazi lieutenant de ire the outer world to He alo gave details showing the essentially tary character of the proceedings on tbe Misses NEW OICE OR SA MAN TEMPERATURES Maximum Minimum 1 (up to noon' PREMIER CHOOSES No 13 OR NOT WITHOUT REASON ON 'CHANGE Guinea Airways Dunlop Perdriau ord Although the Premier (Mr is Adelaide for Melbourne in the ex press th afternoon be can truthfully claim that fits mam mission same a that of most of bis fellowparaen is nt the gers AREWELLING RIENDS as they left Port Adelaide Melbourne on her special trio ibcTc for the Cod (Urady and Ene Upton waving good bye Ms Im dheteMd that In fancy far Hall Mart pfalCR wa laflvanecd ha said by the fact that this candidate appeared 13th In the lift of final aecepWs The number 13 which many people re identified with Mr RntJer's nnKtica) When be was Leader the lt Parliament hia i party numbered 13 In the reran Par Uament his trovfmmeut has won a sur iMr rancis) on war service homes and prising number of divisions by exactly 13 vo tee Appointed Acting Electoral Chief CANBERRA Thureday The ederal Government today decided to appoint tae Commonwealth Electoral Oficer dt JUt aid rwutn tttaLiBiii ijii ntr uurir a aa ariiux i727 rur r' went vur uaavu WSUCt £ieci4ri viuiti iur iuj jhiuivm values sua auurewes mmu 1 be lown LierK ot eoutb xiei uiu inn IHJ ms i(i ciinvi cm a South Head road xigecliffe night maker ft a general principle in doanninn John Parkes aged 38 of Randwick wawith the oiescnt unsatisfactory position shot dead and Mrs Sophie Russell 30 cf Paddington was wounded Parkes fired four cr five shou from a' revolver at Mrs Russell and then turned the weapon on himself Mrs Russell was treated at the nospital for superficial wounds in the forehead and shoulder and allowed to leave Hired McLean who was visiting Kilmieter in Glenmore road that at lOJO pm when sitting in front in the street room he beard sounds of a Quarrel do thai i He heard a girl land a moment later several shots were! fired Immediately afterwards a girl 1U) a wound in ner forehead Btaavered i uwrwv anu couww McLean beard further shots and an I across to a shop and nboned the Doli When he returned he found a man Inn liriKlMHS WIIUIJIIMS IIS Lf I 1 1 ST III 4 I pother room of Mr Kilmister home (must have followed the nrl Mark9 in ive year Plan NUDIST PARTY ON ittLACH MELBOURNE Tharadar In the clear moonlight of Un early hours of today s' bathing party consisting of nude men and semi nude women near Middle Paiki intemiDted bv a nonce Datroi AAeulUVIB Vg LAgC P4 LW U) MWU tV fuosequentlv they Baths wealth in consequence of the JEmm of ntrok The Town Clerk of South Mel 1 the rreoent Chief Electoral Officer (Mr boume Mid that tbe occurrence was the! UTHB11RI 3 be appoTnunrui ci an he knew to prevent hen putting i Xfw TT TP minutnr rawvksa rvtusi i inuiitm iiiariuim i as a UH gw T' TJ TL al ft tt 1 ft wx ll 1 1 MfnnhtmC ia Rt tn OT naTCTT 0 mUlSL A 104 iUt i' i Utf eruLLtfU 013) IlOWtfALT rVCO4? llMnlfHlTZ Lilt? AlPilXJUm LUD unAT DM 3ir nuilOTfl IlMlOweTB TH2T flaw LDRt IT! I I ft ft loath Australia will eome to Canberra bourne jaat nijrnt to inend Droaaiaeting me hut teat ny contemn upon turn wiat he was not entirely dia (haa put the ball mart on the Miznstrr 1 edewtion conference to begin today high honorary air rank interested five year phn if No 13 wina! I fight against body ollowing final acceptances for th line hrerhn iiemy nan Marg maintasned bis Place Lra 1 1 1 tft i vw ui wv nu neug prrew by Blixten It would unv wrpming if Blixton Javorite on the day of the lace fTfttrVrt iKrt ftftl ra ft WAftdtaii 1 mveuto is being kept ui tbe cafe ftde woodtail on the Adelaide th rn n'p have a jpn side and expect to do wcaUicr re v'r'c prospers A ei tiler de Lax yet Alft MttaV Ule ilWL whh thit no deritson will )p morrow It Jikriv that Gakky 4ui man ior victoria ntre was a tair Sales renorteH on the Stw Adelaide this afternoon un to the tine I of going to press Adelaide StMtt 1: i mp ionon i aimer a ITotnn I '1 fn'1 kQMfdlian IPOD ID1 i Kft I' 1 amenu me auu Lrccnsing Act and for other purposes The measure is described North Kalzurli IG'U Chanman'rt i 1 (iu Australian Minin? an I Exnl Lancefield 5 7 Banda 4 ration 6d High Grade 3 Pee IGURED BLACKWOOD SUITE BEDSTEAD EXTRA WarftftH ft 4 in wife fitted with traya and tracer rack full lanath ln Table 4 ft wife: mirror Inside: Dms Wtrdrabe UxBiltv £19 19 far MALCOLM REIDS 187195 RUNDLE STREET (Next CANBERRA Thursday There is possibility of a grant of money being madei He has a legitimate excuse for being in i i i rv i lift nninikiri a ri i twivrriniii tn i rmnrnu uir a iMiiar fttiir i rr 1 ii i ft ui I lftrhtTiftiit IJm in rrwwmitinn nf riV He to meeting anu several ocner important con ferencee I I I fl I I nA I 1 II jnX I nW cakes amBL 5 kUf I I III Id I IT XI IU uu JZ KI I IBM I I I I I ju OaKl Ifl i I I a a i fl mi 'V'TftS rara mr i jt 1 1 1 ra 1 1 1 MW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ItVUH 1 V411E UU WM I I 1' 1 UHRhs wnWTrML wj Brans'll! CV 4 11 LIT WrrTri 1 Jg KM: A 'KT Brio fc ll 1131 Syftsy 2233717 NalUurMa 22S34M IIW5M2 rtoSase S434M 5MS42 AOIaiSs 279254 153142 Mstert 77398 8I7W PwtS 571187 413444 Tstah CSM84M £4117823 Inersats CI7M837 5 734 515 a (mis) 55 6' a 743 8 am 58 7 am 772 7 aa 5851 8 a fll 8(2 8 MS 9 is M3 9 a M2l 18 a 18 aa 2 I 11 aM 928 aM 12 944 12 msr 859 145 1048 138 a $8 3 (max (max) 'I i i BtdEw' as 1 iB aa Adelaide 651 55A MHbeerne f7 'TJ Sydney 72A Brisbane 74 60 Hobart '7 Perth 64 4x Canberra R1 Darwin 5 78.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.