How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (2024)


The information related to a Party’s GSTIN/UIN is a vital part of transactions recorded for the Party. On the other hand, HSN/SAC details are important to identifyitems, goods, or servicesin a transaction, as applicable. Furthermore, if your business has a turnoverexceeding Rs. 5 Crorein the previous financial year, then you need to furnish 4, 6, or 8 digit HSN codes for Stock Items as pernew mandate underNotification 78/2020 issued by the GST authority. Additionally, you need to provide accurate descript for Stock Items in the Invoice. So, it is mandatory to enter the correct information related to GSTIN/UIN and HSN/SAC code in transactions. The entry of the authentic information in the transaction will ensure seamlessness in filing returns and claiming Input Tax Credit, if applicable. To ensure that the information in transactions is authentic, you must validate GSTIN/UIN and HSN/SAC.

TallyPrime Release 2.0 onwards, you can validate GSTIN/UIN and HSN/SAC information online from within TallyPrime. Furthermore, TallyPrime also facilitates quick online validation of GSTIN/UIN information for multiple parties and HSN/SAC information for multiple Stock Items in bulk.

Prerequisites for Online Validation of GSTIN/UIN and HSN/SAC Information in TallyPrime

There are three pre-requisites for online validation of GSTIN or HSN Code and related information in TallyPrime.

  1. GST should be enabled in the Company in TallyPrime.
  2. e-Invoicing or e-Way Bill or both the features should be enabled in TallyPrime.
    To know how to enable e-Invoicing in TallyPrime, clickhere.
    And to know how to enable e-Way Bill in TallyPrime, clickhere.
  3. You need authentic e-Invoice or e-Way Bill APIlogin credentialsthat you must have generated using Tally as GSP on the e-Invoice or e-Way Bill portal, respectively.
    This is because, to validate GSTIN and HSN online in TallyPrime, you will need to be logged in using the e-Invoice or e-Way Bill credentials in TallyPrime so that the product can exchange the GSTIN/UIN or HSN/SAC information with the portal.
    In TallyPrime, once you log in with your credentials, you will not need to log in for the next six hours,provided you do not shut your system or computer.

    The e-Invoice Login screen in TallyPrime appears as shown below.

    The e-Way Bill Login screen in TallyPrime appears as shown below.

    If you have login credentials ofmultiple GSTregistrations, then you can use e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login credentials of any of the GST registrations.

To know how to generate credentials for e-Invoicing using Tally as GSTP, clickhere.
And to know how to generate credentials for e-Way Bill using Tally as GSP, click here.

Online GSTIN/UIN Validation in TallyPrime

As mentioned earlier, entry of incorrect or invalid GSTIN/UIN information can lead to problems in filing returns or claiming Input Tax Credit (ITC). Furthermore, it may also cause obstacles in generating e-Invoices and e-Way Bills. So, you will need to validate the information. Moreover, there can be many other scenarios in which you will want to validate the GSTIN and UIN information of a party with whom you are doing business.

In this section

  • Reasons to validate GSTIN/UIN Info online in TallyPrime
  • Online GSTIN validation in TallyPrime for single party
  • Online GSTIN validation in TallyPrime for multiple parties in bulk

Reasons to validate GSTIN/UIN Info online in TallyPrime

You will need to validate UIN or GSTIN for various reasons.

Authenticity of GSTIN/UIN information

GSTIN validation will help youvalidate the information like the name of the company and mailing address of a Party entered in a Party ledger.

Verify GSTIN on hand-written invoice

When you receive a hand-written invoice from a vendor, you will want to validate the information provided by the party, thereby avoiding the consequences of incorrect information in the Invoice.

Avoid business with fraudulent vendors

GSTIN validation also helps in avoiding business with deceptive vendors who might be using fake GSTIN.

Status of GSTIN

You will get to know if the status of a GSTIN is active or inactive.

Status of e-Way Bill

Through GSTIN validation in TallyPrime, you will also get to know if theParty is blocked from performing e-Way Bill activities.

Identify manual errors in GSTIN information

It may be possible that there were some manual mistakes committed while enteringGST numberand other information related to GSTIN/UIN in the Party ledger. When you validate GSTIN/UIN Info for such Parties, the information will not be found as the portal will not be able to retrieve data. Thereafter, you can enter the correct GST number of the Party in the ledger so that you can validate other GSTIN/UIN info using TallyPrime.

TallyPrime facilitates quick online validation of GSTIN and UIN related information. You can validate either for single party and also for multiple parties in bulk in TallyPrime.

Online GSTIN validation in TallyPrime for single party

Whenever you do business with a new party,you canvalidatethe GSTIN/UIN information provided by the party. It is recommended to validate GSTIN information while creating orright after creating a party ledger. It ensures that the information entered in the Party ledger is authentic, and you can then make corrections immediately if needed.

However, you may want to verify the information for a specific party at any point in time. In such cases, you can validate GSTIN online for a party from the Party ledger.

But before that, ensure that the pre-requisites for online GSTIN validation in TallyPrime are fulfilled.

Thereafter, follow the steps given below for GSTIN validation from the Party ledger.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Alter Master>Ledger> type or select the Party, and pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter>Ledger> type or select the Party, and pressEnter.
    TheLedger Alterationscreen appears.
  2. PressAlt+L(Get GSTIN/UIN Info).
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (4)
    A confirmation screen appears.
  3. PressY(Yes) to accept.
    The e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login screen appears, based on the feature that is enabled. If both the features are enabled in the Company, then thee-Invoice Loginscreen appears.
  4. Enter yourUsernameandPassword, and pressEnter.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (5)
    If you have login credentials of multiple GST registrations, then you can use e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login credentials of any of the GST registrations.
    TallyPrime exchanges information with the portal.
    The screenGet GSTIN/UIN Infofor the GST number of the party appears as shown below.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (6)

If the GST number entered in the party ledger is wrong or invalid, then theNIC portalwill not retrieve the data for the GSTIN.On theAs per Portalside,Could not retrieve data will be displayed. You will need to enter the correct GST number and you then can validate other details.

The information fetched from the portal to TallyPrime is detailed under the columnAs per Portal. You can verify the information such asMailing Nameand Address entered in the party ledger and make corrections if needed.
Furthermore, the screen also provides information related toRegistration TypeandStatus.

You cantake a printorwant to exporttheGet GSTIN/UIN Infoscreen, if needed.

Online GSTIN validation in TallyPrime for multiple parties in bulk

There may be multiple Party ledgers in TallyPrime for which GSTIN validation is pending. In such a case, you can validate GSTIN and UIN information for multiple parties in bulk.

Before that, ensure that the pre-requisites for online GSTIN validation in TallyPrime are fulfilled.

Thereafter, follow the steps given below for online GSTIN validation of multiple parties in bulk.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) > type or selectUpdate Party GSTINand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports>Statutory Reports>GST Reports>Update Party GSTIN.
    A sub-screen for Group and Ledger selection appears.
  2. Type or select theName of Groupfrom theList of Groupsand pressEnter.
    Similarly, type or select theName of Ledgerfrom theList of Ledgersand pressEnter.
    For example – UnderList of Groups, you can selectSundry CreditorsandAll ItemsunderName of Ledger, and then pressEnter.
    TheUpdate Party GSTIN/UIN report appears.

    You can select All ItemsunderName of Group.As a result, the report will display all the ledgers created under each group.

  3. PressAlt+L(Get GSTIN/UIN Info).
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (7)
    Note:On the above screen, if you do not see all the ledgers for the selected Group, then pressF8(All Ledgers).
  4. PressA (All GSTINs/UINs).
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (8)
    If you pressC (Current GSTIN/UIN), then the GSTIN/UIN Info will be validated for the party that is selected in the Update Party GSTIN/UINreport.
    The e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login screen appears, based on the feature that is enabled. If both the features are enabled in the Company, then the e-Invoice Login screen appears.
    Note: If there are one or more Parties for whom GST number is not entered in the Party ledger or the GST number entered in the Party ledger has less than 15 characters, then a confirmation screen appears. You can press Yto accept or make corrections in the Party ledger before initiating the exchange.
  5. Send for Exchange.
    1. Enter yourUsernameandPassword, and pressEnter.
      How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (9)
      If you have login credentials of multiple GST registrations, then you can use e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login credentials of any of the GST registrations.
      TallyPrime exchangesinformation with the portal after which it will display Exchange Summary.
      How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (10)
      Note: If there are Parties with an invalid GSTIN, then the portal will reject the request and would be marked asInformation Not Found. You can enter the correct GSTIN number of the Party and then use theGet GSTIN/UIN Infooption again.
    2. Press Any key to continue.
      In theUpdate Party GSTIN/UINreport,a column gets added as shown below.
      How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (11)
      Note:If a Party's GSTIN is inactive or is blocked from carrying out regular e-Way Bill activities, then the GSTIN/UIN and Set GSTIN/UIN Info for the Party will be displayed in red text.
    3. PressCtrl+B(Basis of Values) to view Parties based on Status of GSTIN, if needed.
      How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (12)
  6. EnableSet GSTIN/UIN Infofor a Party and pressEnter.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (13)
    The screenGet GSTIN/UIN Infofor the GST number of the party appears as shown below.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (14)
    You can compare the GSTIN/UIN information fetched from the portal with that in your books. Additionally, you can update the information under the As per Bookscolumn, if needed.
  7. PressCtrl+Ato save.
    Thereafter, the changes will be updated in theUpdate Party GSTIN/UINreport.

Online HSN/SAC Validation in TallyPrime

The information related to HSN is important to identify the items or goods being sold or purchased.

In this section

  • Reasons to validate HSN/SAC information for Stock Items
  • Online HSN/SAC validation in TallyPrime for single Stock Item or Stock Group
  • Validate HSN/SAC information online in TallyPrime at the Stock Item level
  • Online validation of HSN/SAC information in TallyPrime at the stock group level
  • Validate HSN/SAC information online in TallyPrime at the Company level
  • Online HSN/SAC validation in TallyPrime for multiple Stock Items and Stock Groups

Reasons to validate HSN/SAC information for Stock Items

You will want to use TallyPrime’s online process to validate HSN Code and HSN/SAC details in your Stock Item masters for the following reasons.

Convenience in verifying HSN/SAC information for Stock Items

HSN Codes contains 21 sections under which there are 99 chapters. Moreover, there are 1,244 headings and 5,224 subheadings. So, if you have entered HSN Code in a Stock Item and want to update with other information such as description, then you can quickly verify in TallyPrime and then update.

Statutory compliance

If your business has a turnover exceeding Rs. 5 Crore in the previous financial year, then you will need to furnish the HSN details in the Invoice. Validating HSN/SAC details ensures that you do not face any obstacles in filing returns. You can also verify the details in the Sales Invoice provided by your vendor so that you can claim the ITC seamlessly, if applicable to the transaction.

TallyPrime Release 2.0 onwards, you have the facility for online validation of HSN/SAC details for single Stock Items and multiple Stock Items in bulk.

Online HSN/SAC validation in TallyPrime for single Stock Item or Stock Group

Before recording a transaction involving new Stock Items or Stock groups, you will need to validate the HSN/SAC information entered in the transaction to ensure its authenticity. It is recommended to validate HSN/SAC information right after creating a Stock Item or Stock Group in TallyPrime. It will ensure that the information entered in the Stock Item master is correct, and you can make corrections if needed. However, it may be possible that you had already created a Stock Item or Stock Group, and there is a need to validate the HSN/SAC information later. Furthermore, you may want to revalidate the information at any point in time.

In such cases, you can validate the HSN/SAC information online at the Stock Item or Stock Group level, as applicable. Furthermore, you can also do so at the Company level.

Validate HSN/SAC information online in TallyPrime at the Stock Item level

Before validating HSN/SAC information, ensure that the pre-requisites for online HSN validation in TallyPrime are fulfilled.

Thereafter, follow the steps given below for HSN/SAC validation at the Stock Item level.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) >Alter Master>Stock Item> type or select the Stock Item and pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter>Stock Item> type or select the Stock Item and pressEnter.
    TheStock Item Alterationscreen appears.
  2. UnderStatutory Details, setSet/Alter GST DetailstoYesand pressEnter.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (15)
    TheGST Details for Stock Itemscreen appears.
  3. PressF12(Configure) > setAllow HSN/SAC detailstoYes> pressCtrl+Ato save.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (16)
    Henceforth, you will always see theHSN/SAC Details in the GST Detailsfor Stock Item screen in all the Stock Item masters.
    Note: If you had already set Allow HSN/SAC details to Yes, then you will not need to perform this step.
  4. PressAlt+B(Get HSN/SAC Info).
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (17)
    A confirmation screen appears.
  5. PressYto accept.
    The e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login screen appears, based on the feature that is enabled. If both the features are enabled in the Company, then the e-Invoice Login screen appears.
  6. Enter yourUsernameandPassword, and pressEnter.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (18)
    If you have login credentials of multiple GST registrations, then you can use e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login credentials of any of the GST registrations.
    TallyPrime exchanges information with the e-Invoice portal.
    TheGet HSN/SAC Info Summaryscreen appears as shown below.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (19)

If the HSN Code entered in the Stock Item is incorrect, then the portal will reject the request for HSN/SAC validation with the Reason of Rejection as Invalid HSN Code. You can enter the correct HSN code for the Stock Item and then validate other HSN/SAC information for the same.

You cantake a printorexportGet HSN/SAC Info Summary, if needed.

Online validation of HSN/SAC information in TallyPrime at the stock group level

If you have provided HSN/SAC information for Stock Items under a Stock Group, then you can validate the HSN/SAC information at the Stock Group level.

Open the Stock Group in the alteration mode and follow the steps provided for validating HSN/SAC information online in TallyPrime at the Stock Item level.

To open the Stock Group in alteration mode, follow the path given below.

PressAlt+G(Go To) >Alter Master>Stock Group> type or select the Stock Group and pressEnter.
Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Alter>Stock Group> type or select the Stock Group and pressEnter.
TheStock Group Alterationscreen appears.

Thereafter, you can validate the HSN and SAC information for the Stock Group.

Validate HSN/SAC information online in TallyPrime at the Company level

It may be possible that your business involves buying or selling of only one Stock Item or items under a single Stock Group. For example, you are a trader of bars and rods, and therefore, you must have created only one Stock Item or Stock Group for different bars and rods in your TallyPrime Company data.

In such cases, you can validate the HSN/SAC information at the Company level.

Follow the steps provided for validating HSN/SAC Information online in TallyPrime at the Stock Item level with the following changes.

  1. Navigate to theGST Detailsof the Company.
    1. PressF11 (Features).
    2. PressEnteronEnable Goods and Services Tax (GST).
      TheGST Detailsscreen appears.
  2. UnderAdditional Features, enableSet/Alter GST rate details.
    The GST Details for Company screen appears.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (20)
  3. Validate the HSN and SAC information for the Stock Item using Get HSN/SAC Info.

You can also validate HSN or SAC information from the Sales or purchase ledger level if you have configured the HSN/SAC details in the ledgers.

Online HSN/SAC validation in TallyPrime for multiple Stock Items and Stock Groups

You may want to validate HSN/SAC information for multiple Stock Items and Stock Groups at one shot. The facility for the same is provided in the GST Rate Setup report.

Before validating HSN and SAC information for multiple Stock Items and Stock Groups, ensure that the pre-requisites for online HSN validation in TallyPrime are fulfilled.

Thereafter, follow the steps given below.

  1. PressAlt+G(Go To) > type or selectGST Rate Setupand pressEnter.
    Alternatively,Gateway of Tally>Display More Reports>Statutory Reports>GST Reports>GST Rate Setup.
    TheGST Rate Setupreport appears.
  2. Select the Stock Items and Stock Group using spacebar.
  3. PressAlt+B(Get HSN/SAC Info).
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (21)
    A confirmation screen appears.
  4. PressYto accept.
    The e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login screen appears, based on the feature that is enabled. If both the features are enabled in the Company, then the e-Invoice Login screen appears.
  5. Enter yourUsernameandPassword, and pressEnter.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (22)
    If you have login credentials of multiple GST registrations, then you can use e-Invoice Login or e-Way Bill Login credentials of any of the GST registrations.
    TallyPrime then exchanges information with the portal.
    TheGet HSN/SAC Info Summaryscreen appearsas shown below in which you can see the number of Stock Items and Stock Groups for which the validation is successful.
    How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (23)
  6. Select a Stock Item and pressEnter. As a result, you will be able to view complete Description of the Stock Item.

PressingAlt+F5will enable you to view complete Description of all the Stock Items in theGet HSN/SAC Info Summaryas shown below.

How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (24)

If the HSN Code entered in one or more Stock Items is incorrect, then the portal will reject the request for HSN/SAC validation for those specific Stock Items with the Reason of Rejection as Invalid HSN Code. You can enter the correct HSN code for the items and validate for other HSN/SAC details.

In theGet HSN/SAC Info Summaryscreen, the information fetched from the portal to TallyPrime is in blue fonts. Moreover, you can verify the Description entered in the Stock Items and make corrections, if needed.

Moreover, if the description was already provided in some of the selected Stock Item masters, but HSN Code was missing, then you can update the HSN Code in those masters as per the code fetched from the portal.

You cantake a printorexportGet HSN/SAC Info Summary, if needed.

To conclude, TallyPrime provides you with simple processes to validate GSTIN and HSN. This also enables you to update entries in your Company data so that the authentic information reflects in the Invoices.

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  • Online Validation of GSTIN and HSN Using TallyPrime - FAQ
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How to Validate GSTIN and HSN Online in TallyPrime (2024)


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