Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (2024)

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With just three store cupboard ingredients (flour, oil and water) you can have a stack of soft flatbread! Not only are they super delicious, cheap and easy to make – they’re very versatile too!

These flatbreads are soft and can be easily wrapped, or topped with ingredients – or, used as the perfect side dish to saucy curries and stews.

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (1)

The recipe itself is very simple – no yeast is needed as the rising agents in self raising flour creates the bubbles all over. And you really don’t need to have anything besides the basics in the cupboard. I sometimes brush these with garlic butter for a Friday night treat – but generally have them ‘dry’ to mop up a curry sauce.

These flatbreads are really nice to make even if you’re not an experienced bread maker. They’re something I used to make as a young teen whenever mum would make curry. It’s a great way to get used to dough, and a super fun activity to get the kids involved with too!

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (2)

It’s great to know exactly what’s in the food you eat (rather than shop bought wraps and breads which contain preservatives and unnecessary salt and sugar) and once you’ve tried these you won’t be wanting shop-bought again. These flatbreads are easy and cheap to make – I love them to mop up curry, to use as a wrap, or even as a pizza base.

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (3)

Practice really does make perfect with these flatbreads, but the main thing to bear in mind if you’re new to this recipe is you’re after a soft dough which is easy to work with. Please don’t adjust the recipe too much (i.e. adding a lot more of either water or flour) but feel free to do what feels natural in small additions (tablespoons).

Store these flatbreads at room temperature in sealed Tupperware or freeze. You can also halve or quarter the recipe if you only need a couple of flatbreads.

How to make easy flatbreads at home

Scroll down for recipe card and ingredient list

1. Add flour to a large mixing bowl

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (4)

2. Add in water and oil

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (5)

3. Stir to form a rough dough using a wooden spoon (or whichever utensil you have)

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (6)

4. Once the dough has come together – begin to work it with your hands. You want it to be a soft dough, which isn’t sticky, but definitely isn’t firm. Add a little more water if needed (1 tbsp at a time) if the dough is too wet, add flour back – a tbsp at a time.

Once the dough is soft, pour it onto a floured work surface and knead using your hands for 2 minutes

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (7)

5. Once kneaded, cover with a slightly damp teatowel for 30 minutes

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (8)

6. After 30 minutes, uncover the dough

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (9)

7. And sprinkle with a little more flour

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (10)

8. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (11)

10. Begin heating a large, non-stick pan on the hob

11. Whilst it’s heating roll one of them out into a thin, round disk – as thin as you can really

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (12)

12. Add the dough to the pan (no oil needed – just straight into the dry pan)

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (13)

13. And cook for 30 sec – 1 minute – until it begins to bubble up

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (14)

14. Then flip it and cook for a further 1 minute on the other side – don’t over-do it cause you want the flatbreads to remain soft. During the final 10-15 seconds of cooking gently press down on the bread to add some additional browning to the bubbles on the other side.

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (15)

15. Once the first one is cooked, repeat by rolling out the next flatbread, and repeating the cooking process. I tend to roll my flatbread whilst my last flatbread is cooking – but if you’re new to these I recommend you take your time and roll each one separately. Stack the cooked flatbreads on a plate covered loosely by a slightly damp towel until ready to serve.

Yield: 6 Flatbreads

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (16)

These flatbreads are delicious, easy and cheap to make. Using only three ingredients you can have a delicious fresh bread which is the perfect side dish!

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time5 minutes

Additional Time30 minutes

Total Time45 minutes


  • 250g self-raising flour (plus extra for the worktop)
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • Roughly 140ml warm water (don't add all at once - read below)


  1. Add the flour to a large mixing bowl
  2. Add in the tbsp of oil and 120ml of warm water (the water should be warm to the touch)
  3. Use a wooden spoon to mix together until a rough dough forms
  4. Use your hands to knead the dough, and add as much more water is needed to make a soft dough (don't add too much at once, introduce 20ml-ish, one tablespoon at a time and stop when it becomes a soft dough).
  5. Knead for around a minute, until the dough feels smooths
  6. Then cover the bowl loosely with a damp tea towel for 15 minutes
  7. Lightly flour your worktop and put the rested dough on it
  8. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces and roll into balls using the palm of your hand
  9. Heat a large, non-stick pan to high heat
  10. Whilst the pan is heating, roll one of the dough balls into a flat, circle
  11. Once the pan is hot, place the rolled flatbread onto it (no oil, put it into a dry pan)
  12. Cook for 30 seconds on one side (it should begin to rise up)
  13. Then flip using tongues
  14. Quickly cook on the other side for a couple of minutes - until there are brown speckles (but don't over-do it else it'll be crispy, you want them to remain soft)
  15. Once cooked, transfer to a plate, and repeat the process with the rest of the flatbreads
  16. If you're not serving immediately, cover the plate of stacked flatbreads with a slightly damp tea-towel to keep moist and soft
  17. Serve warm


Do not roll out each roti and stack them raw, they will stick together.

You can easily halve or double this recipe depending how much dough you need.

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per ServingCalories 138Total Fat 3gSaturated Fat 0gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 2gCholesterol 0mgSodium 498mgCarbohydrates 31gFiber 1gSugar 0gProtein 4g

Nutritional data provided here is only an estimate. If you're tracking these things for medical purposes please consult an outside, trusted source. Thanks!

See more: By Ingredient, Featured Recipes, Indian, Indian Take Away, Recipes, Sides, Vegan Recipes, Vegetarian

Easy Flatbread Recipe | 3 Ingredients Only | Hint Of Helen (2024)


What are the 4 types of flat bread? ›

Flat breads are made throughout most of the world. Examples are pita (from the Middle East), chapati and naan (India), tortilla (Mexico) and focaccia (Italy).

How are flatbreads traditionally made? ›

A flatbread is bread made usually with flour; water, milk, yogurt, or other liquid; and salt, and then thoroughly rolled into flattened dough. Many flatbreads are unleavened, although some are leavened, such as pita bread.

What is the difference between flatbread and pizza dough? ›

But the difference between the two really comes down to the ingredients, they both need flour, water, and salt, but pizza dough has an additional ingredient, yeast. Pizza dough is a leavened dough where flatbread is unleavened, giving it that flat texture.

What is a very thin flatbread that is used for burritos and tacos? ›

Tortilla. A tortilla is a type of soft, thin flatbread made not from maize meal and/or wheat flour. They are used to prepare many Mexican dishes like tacos, enchiladas, burritos, and wraps.

What is Mexican flatbread called? ›

tortilla, round, thin, flat bread of Mexico made from unleavened cornmeal or, less commonly, wheat flour. Traditionally, the corn (maize) for tortillas was boiled with unslaked lime to soften the kernels and loosen the hulls. (This lime was the principal source of calcium in the Mexican diet.)

What is the difference between lavash and flatbread? ›

Lavash is a fully baked flatbread that is usually lower in sodium, less doughy and chewy, and generally contains less oil. Lavash's rectangular shape makes it easier to fit in lots of good stuff inside when you're making wraps.

Why do Jews eat flatbread? ›

Religious significance

Passover is a commemoration of the exodus from Egypt. The biblical narrative relates that the Israelites left Egypt in such haste they could not wait for their bread dough to rise; the bread, when baked, was matzah.

What is Native American flatbread called? ›

Frybread (also spelled fry bread) is a dish of the indigenous people of North America that is a flat dough bread, fried or deep-fried in oil, shortening, or lard.

What is Greek flatbread made of? ›

Homemade Flatbread {Greek Pocketless Pitas}

In a large bowl (or bowl of an electric stand mixer fitted with the dough hook), mix the yeast, sugar water, milk, oil, salt and one cup of the flour until well combined. Gradually add the remaining flour until a soft dough is formed.

Are flatbreads healthier than pizza? ›

Flatbread pizza often has a thinner crust compared to traditional pizza. A thinner crust can result in a lower calorie and carbohydrate content, making it a potential choice for those looking to reduce their calorie intake.

How healthy are flatbreads? ›

Other flatbread dough variations include a fat like olive oil or butter. Is flatbread healthy? Yes! It's one of the healthiest breads you can make because it's low in calories and fat but high in fiber.

Why is my flatbread pizza soggy? ›

The steam from the base can't escape, so it condenses on your crispy surface and turns it wet and soggy. Use a pizza stone or a pan with holes to get a crispy pizza crust. A pizza stone will keep your pizza hot and its porousness will absorb some condensation.

What is the name of the soft thin flatbread? ›

Lavash is a soft, paper-thin flatbread. Much like pita, this ancient flatbread is a beloved staple of Armenian and Middle Eastern cuisine that is easy to make at home with pantry ingredients you likely have on hand. This lavash recipe will teach you how to make lavash any night of the week using a skillet!

What is a flatbread with pocket that is perfect? ›

Pita is a yeast-leavened flatbread, usually round, from the regions of the Eastern Mediterranean, stretching further to the Middle East. It is an ancient bread, perhaps among the first, and is characterized primarily by its round shape, handy size, and interior pocket—though there are pocket-less versions.

What are the 5 types of flat breads and give their description? ›

Due to their geometry and structure, tortillas, pizza crust, English muffins, crumpets, and pretzels can be considered flat breads. Tortillas are flat breads traditionally made from wheat flour or maize and are indigenous to Mexico, Central America, and the southwestern United States.

What are the different types of flat bread? ›

Flatbread Varieties From Around the World
  • Chepati.
  • Focaccia.
  • Frybread.
  • Lavash.
  • Matzah.
  • Naan.
  • Pita.
  • Roti.
Apr 6, 2021

What are the different flatbreads? ›

43 Flatbread Recipes from Around the World
  • Arabian Pita Bread. "Delicious, quick, and easy. ...
  • KEEMa ROTI. This is a recipe for an Indian-style flat bread called roti, which is stuffed with ground meat (keema). ...
  • Radish Paratha. ...
  • Socca. ...
  • Arepas. ...
  • Lavash Bread. ...
  • Bacon & Spring Onion Pancakes. ...
  • Sourdough Pita Bread.

What are the 7 types of bread? ›

So whether you're a bread lover or just curious about the varieties offered, read on and discover your new favourite bread.
  • White bread. White bread is the most common type of bread in many countries. ...
  • Wholewheat bread. ...
  • Rye bread. ...
  • Sourdough bread. ...
  • Multigrain bread. ...
  • Baguette. ...
  • Ciabatta. ...
  • Pumpernickel bread.
Feb 7, 2023


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