Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe - The Olive Blogger (2024)

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Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe

This Gingerbread Biscotti the BEST biscotti recipe for the Christmas season and beyond. Full of spice and sweetness and then drizzled with white chocolate – it is an easy and delicious biscotti perfect for dipping in a cuppa tea.

It’s that time of year friends, ourChristmas Baking Frenzy is back for it’s 3rd year and I am so excited to get started! I am also participating in an online cookie swap with Houseful of Cookies and really wanted to think of a special cookie I knew everyone would enjoy and that would really make you think of Christmas.

So here it is, my Gingerbread Biscotti. It tastes just like a gingerbread cookie with the crunchiness of a good biscotti and of course is drizzled with a little white chocolate to add a hint of sweetness for dipping in your favorite cup of coffee or tea!

Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe - The Olive Blogger (1)

More Gingerbread PLEASE!

I don’t know about you, but when I think of the holidays I always think of the smell of gingerbread and the times I spent assembling the pre-made house kits as a kid…or should I say the time I spent eating half of the bagged candies that came with the kit and slopping together the house with whatever I had left (hey we’ve all been there right!).

If you have never made a biscotti before, do not worry, I got you!

The most important thing about making this Gingerbread Biscotti is to really watch the time, in fact you should always use a timerALWAYS! Now, dust off your Christmas apron and get ready friends, we are just getting started!

Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe - The Olive Blogger (2)


Don’t be scared off by the long list of ingredients friends! Most of them are spices – it really is an easy and deliciously satisfying cookie to make.

  • Flour
  • Brown Sugar
  • Ground Ginger
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Ground Cloves
  • Allspice
  • Baking Powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Nutmeg
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Eggs
  • Molasses
  • Vanilla
  • White Chocolate

FAQs for Gingerbread Cookies

Should Gingerbread be Hard or Soft?

It will all depend on what type of gingerbread cookie you are trying to make. The traditional gingerbread boy/girl cookie can be either soft or hard – though most bakery style cookies are harder on the outside and deliciously soft in the center. If you are making a biscotti version like ours then your gingerbread will be hard as this is the style of the cookie. If you want a chewy option our Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies are sure to please!

What does Gingerbread taste like?

Delicious that’s what! There are a number of spices that go into the gingerbread spice mix; ginger, allspice, cloves and cinnamon which make a perfect combination of sweet and slightly spiced flavors. When this spice blend is combined with butter, sugar and flour to create a cookie, you end up with a deliciously warm depth that leaves you wanting more.

Be sure to PIN THIS GINGERBREAD RECIPE so you have it for later!

Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe - The Olive Blogger (3)

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The key to making the perfect biscotti cookie is definitely in the baking process- the double bake process makes them crunchy. I truly believe that a good baking sheet is where it’s at when it comes to making ANY cookie recipe. It all comes down to the quality of your ingredients as well as your equipment!

Yield: 48 cookies

Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe

Gingerbread Biscotti - a fun take on a traditional cookie that everyone will love. The slight spice of the cookie goes well with a cup of coffee or tea.

Prep Time10 minutes

Cook Time40 minutes

Total Time50 minutes


  • 2 1/4 c Flour
  • 1 1/4 c Brown Sugar
  • 2 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cloves
  • 1/4 tsp Allspice
  • 1/8 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 1/4 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/3 c Butter, softened
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tbsp Molasses
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/2 c White Chocolate, optional, for dipping/drizzle


  1. Preheat oven to 350 F and line two cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking sheets.
  2. In your mixer cream together butter with sugar.
  3. In a small bowl whisk your eggs and molasses then add to butter mixture with vanilla and combine.
  4. In a medium bowl sift together your dry ingredients and then add slowly to your wet mixture (it will become a thick batter).
  5. Form into logs (10"x 2" approx) and bake for 20-23 minutes (until slightly firm to the touch but NOT hard, should have a "spring" to it)
  6. Remove from oven and cool 10 minutes before cutting into 1" stripes (see photos)
  7. Place face down on baking sheet and bake for additional 6 minutes, flip and repeat for 6 minutes (they should be slightly golden)
  8. Allow to cool completely before adding a chocolate drizzle/dip if you prefer!


If you like your biscotti REALLY crunchy you can add 1-2 minutes per side when they are cooking face down, if you prefer it a little softer you can do it for less time. Our biscotti is cooked to be a perfect addition to a cup of coffee or tea!

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:

1 grams

Amount Per Serving:Calories: 67Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 12mgSodium: 48mgCarbohydrates: 11gFiber: 0gSugar: 6gProtein: 1g

*Please note; nutritional values are not always 100% accurate and are to be used as a guide.

Did you make this recipe?

Leave us a comment below & tag us on Instagram using #OliveYum

If you have followed our Christmas Baking in previous years than you already know I have a “cheat” biscotti recipe up as well!

It is a great one if you don’t like the traditional crunchy biscotti, and it is loaded with chocolate. Go check out my Chocolate Brownie Biscotti now and stay tuned for our next cookie.

More cookie recipes

  • BEST Biscotti Recipes Ever – 25 Delicious Cookies
  • Homemade Almond Biscotti
  • Pumpkin Spice Biscotti
  • Nutella Biscotti
  • White Chocolate Cranberry Biscotti
  • Fudgy Hot Chocolate Cookies
  • Italian Amaretti Cookies
  • Pecan Meltaway Balls
  • Chocolate Dipped Almond Biscotti

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Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe

Delicious Gingerbread Biscotti Recipe - The Olive Blogger (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.