Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (2024)

These delicious and nutritious date and oat protein balls are a PERFECT healthy snack. Make them in bulk and freeze them so you have a stack of wholesome treats throughout the week.

These protein balls with datestaste great and will give you a boost when you’re feeling peckish and low on energy and they won’t ruin your healthy eating plan.

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (1)

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Date And Oat Bliss Balls

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (2)

Votes: 1210
Rating: 3.63

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Course Snacks
Cuisine Bliss balls



  • 1 cup dates
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (3)

Votes: 1210
Rating: 3.63

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  1. Place dates in a pot of water and bring to the boil.

  2. Drain the dates and put the liquid into a container and set aside.

  3. Place drained dates, coconut, peanut butter, oats and cacao in a food processor.

  4. Add roughly 1/4 of the date liquid to the mix and process (you may need a little more liquid than this, add it slowly until the mix holds its shape. If you accidentally add too much liquid add a little more of the other dry ingredients to balance)

  5. Roll mixture into 12 balls and store in the fridge or freezer.

  6. Roll in extra coconut if desired

  7. Make extra and freeze them!!

  8. This recipe makes 12 balls

Recipe Notes

179 cals per ball

These protein balls with dates are full of goodness and natural sugars – guaranteed to pep you up when you reach that mid afternoon slump.

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (4)

Cicily Goodwin- 35Kgs Lost

Mum of two Cicily started her journey with The Healthy Mummy in July 2016. In the first few months, she lost 20kgs by using TheHealthy Mummy Smoothiestwice a day and making the28 Day Weight Loss Challengemeals. She lost another 35kgs over the next year.

Cicily says“I started the year at 110kgs and got to 75kg!! The lifetime goal I’ve dreamed of my whole life!

Cicily admits that her when she started her journey it was all about weight loss but after living a healthy lifestyle it became a lot more about happiness.

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (5)

Zoe Terry – 41.7Kgs Lost

Zoe shares,“July 2019 – March 2020–41.1kgs gone and definitely not missed!I never thought I could do it. I never thought I would enjoy it. But Healthy Mummy has made it easy and fun!

I have found that 2 smoothies, 3 snacks and a healthy main meal paired with daily exercise is what’s worked for me!”

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (6)

Melissa Timmer – 37kgs Lost

The Healthy Mummy which has helped her take back control and within 18 months, she had lost a whopping 37 kg and has been maintaining her weight for three years.

Even though Melissa’s weight fluctuates up and down a little she says“I couldn’t care less because this journey is about being happy and if you feel happy in your skin, no matter how much you weigh or what size you are, that’s all that matters.“We are all different and beautiful so don’t be stuck on what scales say all the time.”

Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (7)

Tarryn Eames – 30Kg Lost

Tarryn says:-

  • From 97KGS to 67KGS
  • From a size 18/20 to a size 10/12
  • From lethargic to energetic
  • From miserable to genuinely happy
  • From hating my body to appreciating it.

“At the beginning of my journey, all I wanted was to lose weight. I never aimed to gain anything. However, all I’ve gained means more to me than the kilos that are now gone and the cms that have disappeared too. Somewhere along the way, I gained the energy to be able to play with my children and the confidence needed to do that in a public setting.

I gained many beautiful and like-minded friends. I gained confidence. I gained strength both physically and mentally. I gained self-love. I gained knowledge about nutrition and exercise. But most importantly I gained happiness.”

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Now you can easily meal plan with our personalised plans & over 6,000 family & budget friendly recipes catering to a wide range of dietary requirements.

The Healthy Mummy is a holistic program to nourish your body with nutritious food and help you stay active in your busy, everyday life. Yours and your families well being should be a priority so let us take the hassle out of it.

Unlock the key to sustainable life changes that will leave you feeling your absolute best.

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Date & Oat Protein Balls Recipe (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.