COVID-19 Emergency Grants (2024)


The Grant Plant is deeply concerned about our nonprofit community as we all navigate new challenges in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. This webpage is meant to provide grant-related resources for New Mexico nonprofits. We will continue to update this as resources and information become available. If you have a resource to add, please email us.

COVID-19 Emergency Grant Opportunities for Organizations in NM

Albuquerque Community Foundation and United Way of Central New Mexico: Supports nonprofit organizations struggling with lost and non-recoverable revenue expenses due to COVID-19. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations located in the Greater Albuquerque Area. Amount: $500 – $5,000.

Albuquerque Community Foundation: Emergency Action Fund: Supports organizations that are creatively addressing underlying conditions that have plagued troubled systems for many years that have recently been revealed by COVID-19. By funding longer-term programs aimed at mitigating underlying conditions exposed by COVID-19, the Foundation’s hope is to create stronger systems in the community for future crises. Specifically, the Fund seeks proposals from organizations addressing access to technology, family stability, and/or education gaps, including: 1) Access to technology may include, but is not limited to: access to devices and software for at-risk and under-resourced populations, digital literacy training/programs, and/or virtual communication strategies/tools; 2) Family stability may include, but is not limited to: reducing family and child trauma/abuse; access to mental and behavioral health; homeless services; financial stability and literacy; and 3) Education gaps may include, but is not limited to: facilitating distance learning; reducing learning gaps during out-of-school time (including summer and COVID-months). Eligibility: Nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations may apply. Priority will be given to organizations in the Greater Albuquerque Metro Area; however, statewide grants may be available based on request and access to additional funding in different parts of the state. Amount: Grants will range from $25,000-$50,000. Deadline: July 2, 2020.

All Together New Mexico Fund: Addresses immediate needs in New Mexico communities, including: procurement of food and medical and cleaning supplies for at-risk communities; support for childcare workers who are supporting our front-line employees; and grants to address income insecurity among smaller businesses and employees affected by COVID-19 disruptions. Eligibility: Organizations must hold 501c3 nonprofit status from the IRS (or have a fiscal sponsor), or be a federally recognized tribe. Organizations with budgets of under $500,000 will be given preference. Amount: $5,000 for a single organization. Organizations applying as part of a broader collaborative, coalition, or partner-based initiative may request up to $10,000.

City of Albuquerque Arts & Culture Project Recovery Fund: Provides funds for Albuquerque arts and cultural nonprofit organizations to continue to creatively provide arts and cultural programming for the community and employment for artists through June 30, 2021. Eligibility: Albuquerque-based, non-institutionally aligned, non-governmental, non-profit organizations whose missions are to employ artists and provide arts and cultural programming for audiences based primarily in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Amount: $300,000 is available for grants ranging from $2,500-$15,000 each. Deadline: April 14, 2020.

City of Albuquerque Coronavirus Community Support and Recovery Fund: Funds projects to provide services and activities that shall provide immediate support for the health and safety of individuals and our community. Services may include (but are not limited to): Expanding access to residents not adequately served by federal aid; restoring lost access to behavioral health services because of COVID restrictions; helping to retain housing, food security, and behavioral health stability when emergency restrictions are lifted; providing safe domicile and/or services for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, or abuse or neglect; providing additional supports for low-income and at-risk residents whose economic situation has been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic; and services rendered through these funds are offered in an equitable and inclusive manner. Eligibility: Agencies which are a unit of state or local government and/or agencies currently incorporated as a nonprofit corporation, duly registered and in good standing with the State of New Mexico Secretary of State, which has not-for-profit status under 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service Code and which has demonstrated capability in providing the services. Amount: $1,000,000 is available. Minimum and maximum grant amounts not provided. Deadline: May 8, 2020.

Community Foundation of Southern NM and United Way of Southwest New Mexico: Supports nonprofit organizations in the region that experience a loss of funds due to the ongoing COVID-19 health pandemic. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations serving Doña Ana, Hidalgo, Sierra, Otero, Grant, Lincoln or Luna counties, with an organizational budget at or below $500,000. Amount: Not provided.

Con Alma Health Foundation: Con Alma Health Foundation will distribute funds to organizations that are providing basic needs, including health care, food distribution, emergency housing, and financial aid, to people most impacted by COVID-19. Grants will be awarded on an expedited, rolling basis starting Tuesday, June 2nd to help vulnerable populations receive the care and support they need. Eligibility: New Mexico nonprofits that are providing basic needs. Amount: $7,500 to $20,000. Deadline: Rolling.

El Paso Community Foundation: Helps people and nonprofits in the foundation’s region deal with the financial pressures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations that serve the El Paso, southern New Mexico, and the Ciudad Juárez region. Amount: Not provided.

Lea County Electric Cooperative: Aims to address the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis by supporting nonprofit organizations in the Lea County Electric Cooperative’s service territory. Eligibility: Organizations in Chaves, Eddy, and Lea Counties in New Mexico, and Cochran, Gaines, and Yoakum counties in Texas. Amount: Grants of up to $20,000 will be made. Deadline: May 29, 2020.

Los Alamos Community Foundation: Provides rapid response support to nonprofits that are severely impacted by the crisis, prioritizing those on the front lines of COVID-19 response. Eligibility: Nonprofits situated in and serving Los Alamos or Rio Arriba Counties. Amount: Not provided.

McCune Foundation: Provides emergency funding, prioritizing support of collaborative efforts that provide relief to communities suffering pronounced impacts from the COVID-19 crisis, as well as projects that will accelerate recovery after this crisis subsides. Eligibility: New Mexico nonprofits involved in a collaborative effort. Amount: Not provided.

New Mexico Arts: Helps arts entities and their employees endure the economic hardships caused by the forced closure of their operations due to the spread of COVID-19. Support can include: Salary support, full or partial, for one or more positions that are critical to an organization’s artistic mission; fees for artists and/or contractual personnel to maintain or expand the period during which such persons would be engaged; and facilities costs such as rent and utilities. Eligibility: Previous New Mexico Arts award recipients from the past four years. Amount: Grants of $10,000 each will be awarded. Deadline: May 15, 2020.

New Mexico Humanities Council CARES Act Funding: Provides emergency funding to humanities organizations experiencing financial challenges as a result of the coronavirus epidemic. Organizations must be experiencing hardship, including, but not limited to: Risk of permanent closure; loss of significant revenue; loss of paid staff; and loss of venue or workspace. Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations registered in New Mexico, including those affiliated with tribal organizations. Amount: Grants of up to $7,500 each will be made. Deadline: None; applications will be reviewed every other week by a grant review panel, until funds are exhausted.

New Mexico Local Food Supply Chain Response Fund: Provides funding to address gaps in and disruptions to the local food supply chain in New Mexico. There are two types of grants: (1) Individual Producer grants to fund smaller-scale or midsize farmer or rancher in New Mexico needing support to access new or expanded market opportunities or to produce food for emergency food needs. (2) Collaborative grants for projects among local food supply chain actors (producers, aggregators, farmers’ market organizers, CSA operators or managers, nonprofits, and others) that seek to support, organize, develop, or execute new or expanded marketing opportunities in the local food system, or that address needs of smaller-scale to midsize growers as well as projects that link local food production with access to local food for lower-income consumers, where feasible. Eligibility: Individual Producer grants: Farmers or ranchers in New Mexico; Collaborative grants: Nonprofit organizations in New Mexico with 501(c)3 status or a fiscal sponsor, or a tribe. Amount: Individual Producers: $500-$2,500; Collaborative: $2,500-$15,000. Deadline: First review on April 30. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis.

New Mexico Early Childhood Funders Group: Provides grants intended to address critical gaps in services that affect infants, toddlers, and their families during this uncertain time. Grants will be prioritized for organizations meeting immediate needs pertaining to early childhood during the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility: Organizations that operate within New Mexico and hold 501(c)3 nonprofit status from the IRS (or have a fiscal sponsor), or federally-recognized tribes. Amount: Up to $5,000, with exceptions considered for nonprofits demonstrating substantial reach across a number of early childhood programs.

PNM Resources Foundation: Provides funds to nonprofits that are served by PNM or Texas-New Mexico Power (TNMP) with programs working to increase community safety. Preference will be given to organizations that implemented COVID-19 programs for the community’s most at-risk senior population. Amount: $10,000 – $50,000. Deadline: April 2, 2020.

Santa Fe Community Foundation: Addresses the critical gaps in services during the coronavirus pandemic. The Foundation will first support nonprofits focused on health/wellbeing and food insecurity. As more funding becomes available, it will consider making support available to nonprofits providing other kinds of services. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations or those with a fiscal sponsor operating in Santa Fe or northern New Mexico. Amount: $500 – $5,000.

Santa Fe Community Foundation – Native American Advised Fund: Native American Advised Fund (NAAF) grants for this year will focus on COVID-19 recovery. Grants are made from the fund based on the recommendations of an advisory committee. All members of the advisory committee are drawn from the local Native American communities. Eligibility: Organizations must hold 501(c)3 nonprofit status from the IRS (or have a fiscal sponsor), or be a federally-recognized tribal government. Organizations should be operating within the state of New Mexico and be a direct service provider to the 23 Federally-recognized tribal nations in New Mexico or the Hopi Tribe in Arizona. Amount: Not provided. Deadline: Forecasted for fall 2020.

Taos Community Foundation: Provides flexible resources to complement the work of public health officials and local government and expand the community’s capacity to address all aspects of outreach as efficiently as possible. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations or those with a fiscal sponsor that are located to serve the people of Taos and western Colfax Counties. Amount: Not provided.

United Way of Eddy County: Supports nonprofit organizations and other government agencies providing direct assistance to Eddy County residents with financial need or demonstrable hardship resulting from COVID-19; provides operating support to nonprofit organizations that are meeting community needs resulting from COVID-19, and are in financial distress; and focuses on nonprofit housing and food insecurities as well as other basic needs. Eligibility: Nonprofits with 501(c)3 nonprofit status from the IRS, in good standing with the NM Attorney General Office and the NM Secretary of State. Government agencies (such as schools) may also be considered if they are at the forefront providing basic needs. Amount: $500-$2,000.

COVID-19 Emergency Grant Opportunities – Nationally (for which NM nonprofits are eligible)

AIDS United: Relief, Recovery, and Resilience Fund: Supports nonprofit organizations that are experiencing challenges meeting the needs of people living with and at risk for HIV and AIDS because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the fund is on access to HIV care, housing, food, etc. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations in the southern U.S. states, as well as organizations nationwide that serve people who use drugs or serve communities of color, especially Black communities. Amount: Grants of up to $15,000 will be provided. Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as long as funds are available.

Alkermes COVID-19 Relief Fund: Supports nonprofit organizations throughout the U.S. that address the comprehensive needs of people affected by addiction, mental health issues, or cancer. The Fund will focus on programs that address the challenges that patients, caregivers, and family members face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations NOT engaged in the practice of healthcare. Amount: Up to $500,000 in grants will be made; historically, the funding awarded to individual programs has ranged from $12,000 to $200,000. Deadline: May 20, 2020.

AT&T eLearning: Provides wireless data service at no cost for 60 days to qualified schools activating new lines on qualified data-only plans for school-issued tablets to enable eLearning for students who are not able to be at school. AccessMyLAN will also be available for the qualified lines available at no cost for 60 days. This service allows school administrators to manage the internet sites their students can access to help protect them from unsafe content and also to block malicious sites, malware and hacking attempts. Eligibility: Public and private schools, including K-12 and colleges and universities. Amount: In-kind donation of free service.

Borealis COVID-19 Collective Fund for Trans Communities: Provides financial resources to trans-led organizations and transgender, gender nonconforming, and non-binary communities who are organizing in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Some examples of activities that may be supported by this collective’s grantmaking include, but are not limited to: Mutual aid and care support networks; healing and virtual wellness spaces; online/virtual programming needs; living stipends for members and/or staff; survival needs i.e. food, rent support, shelter, utilities; and organizing and advocacy. Eligibility: Trans-led organizations across the U.S. with a strong racial justice focus and youth/intergenerational leadership, with particular consideration for those who lack access to national and/or local funding streams. Amount: Up to $10,000; larger grants can be made on a case by case basis. For example, partnerships or coalitions can request up to $20,000. Deadline: Open until funds are expended.

Circle for Justice Innovations SOS Rapid Response Fund: The SOS Rapid Response Fund provides flexible and immediate funding to organizations responding to changing political landscapes and working to build collective power at critical junctures. The fund is currently seeking proposals for organizing that responds to opportunities or dangers affecting the health, safety, or human rights of incarcerated and directly impacted people based on Covid-19 policies or practices. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations or those with a fiscal sponsor. Amount: $2,500-$5,000.

COVID-19 Young Leaders Fund: Support young leaders who are tackling the Covid-19 pandemic on the frontlines. Projects should be focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a clear connection to combating Covid-19, for example: SDG 3: producing medical supplies to tackle the infection or symptoms of the virus; SDG 4: providing resources to disadvantaged children to support the continuation of education during school closures; SDG 5: protecting victims of domestic violence during lockdown; SDG 6: providing sanitation resources to help prevent the spread of the virus; SDG 8: creating work for unemployed persons in vital sectors​. Eligibility: Projects must not be operated for-profit, must impact >500 people directly, be focused on assisting the most vulnerable in society; already be operational (or ready to start within 3 weeks of application submission), and founded and/or managed by young leaders (aged approximately 18-35). Amount: $2,500 – $10,000.

De Colores Rapid Response Fund: Helps small, grassroots organizations respond to the cultural, social, and economic challenges posed by COVID-19 by providing funds for quick, short-term delivery to hot spots of opportunity for organizing in marginalized urban and rural communities. Eligibility: Coalitions, organizations and non-501(c)(3) groups; organizations with budgets under $250,000 receive priority. Amount: $500-$1,000.

Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation: Provides emergency grants to help organizations immediately respond to the surge of demand for essential services from people directly impacted by COVID-19. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations. Amount: $5,000 – $25,000.

Elton John AIDS Foundation: Funds solutions that have strong potential to address specific challenges that have arisen for people already living with or at severe risk of HIV/AIDS and who are now at heightened risk as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Such solutions should aim to demonstrably mitigate the threat of COVID-19 on maintaining current levels of access or increasing access to HIV-related prevention, testing, care and treatment adherence services. Eligibility: Current or recent grantee organizations that have been awarded a grant from the Elton John AIDS Foundation since 1st January 2017. Amount: $10,000-$50,000. Deadline: April 23, 2020.

Emergent Fund: Provides funding for emergent strategies that help communities respond to rapidly changing conditions and for efforts seeking long-term social justice and economic justice in a political and social climate that seeks to dismantle such efforts. Funds will go to organizations that (1) are mobilizing to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable communities; (2) are utilizing power-building strategies including but not limited to digital organizing, membership development and outreach, narrative development, direct action; and (3) are led by communities of color. Eligibility: Grassroots organizations. Amount: Not provided.

Facebook COVID-19 Local News Relief Grant Program: Facebook is offering grant opportunities to help US local news organizations continue serving communities during the coronavirus outbreak. Funding is intended to a) respond to immediate community needs and/or b) offset some revenue shortfalls to help publishers maintain long-term sustainability during this crisis. Eligibility: US-based publishers actively covering COVID-19 and serving a defined geographic area. Preference is given to those that serve immigrant, rural, underserved, and economically disadvantaged communities; represent areas where COVID-19 impact is particularly acute; clearly and candidly explain the grant’s contribution to their organization’s long-term viability; are family- or community-owned or independent; have an established digital reader, digital listener or digital video consumer supported business model; and have not yet received grant support from the Facebook Journalism Project in 2020. Amount: $25,000-$100,000. Deadline: April 24, 2020.

FHLB Bank Dallas: Offsets costs associated with providing aid and meeting needs of the community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic such as economic and rental assistance, shelter and housing and job training. Grants may also be used for organizational capacity building, assistance in applying for grants and other funding sources, research and studies, and contractual services. Eligibility: Applicants must be FHLB Dallas members that apply to support a community-based organization (CBO) with 501(c)(3) recognition by the IRS and that are involved with affordable housing, stimulating small business development, or providing small business technical assistance. The member applies for a matching grant to a CBO of $500 up to $6,000 at a 5:1 ratio. Amount: Up to $30,000. Deadline: May 8, 2020.

Four Freedoms Fund: Supports immigrant justice groups in their efforts to protect and defend immigrant and refugee communities during an extended period of crisis. Priorities include advocating for the protection and release of people from detention, jails, and prisons; advocacy to expand the safety net and economic supports; countering xenophobia and anti-Asian hate; and narrative change work uplifting the contributions of immigrants as essential workers and community members. Eligibility: Priority is given to groups that have less access to funding and organizations that are current Four Freedoms Fund grantees or affiliates of grantees. Amount: $10,000-$75,000. Deadline: June 10.

GENYouth: Provides COVID-19 emergency school nutrition funding including resources for meal distribution and delivery efforts to get food to students during COVID-19. Funds can be used for anything from soft-sided coolers, bags, and containers for individual servings, to protective gear for food service sanitation and safety, in order to ensure this type of equipment helps children continue to receive the nutritious meals they need. Eligibility: Schools must be located in the United States, participate in the National School Lunch Program, include at least one of the grades K-12, and be located in a recognized “brick and mortar” school building. Amount: Up to $3,000.

Groundswell Fund: Provides fast funding to grassroots organizations led by women of color, trans people of color, and low-income women and trans people in critical, but unexpected, fights to protect and advance reproductive and social justice. During this acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fund has broadened its Rapid Response Fund criteria to support organizing groups to respond to the immediate needs of their communities. Eligibility: Organizations with 501(c)3 status or a fiscal sponsor. Amount: $1,500-$15,000. On a case-by-case basis, Groundswell may consider requests above $15,000.

Hispanics in Philanthropy Essential Fund: Supports Latino-led and Latino-serving organizations with close ties to the community with funding for cash or other assistance to directly support clients and community members who have suffered financial setbacks due to the impacts of COVID-19. Clients and community members may use the grant to address COVID-19-related needs that enable them to continue working, including but not limited to: personal protection equipment (PPE) and cleaning/disinfectant supply kits; cash, rental, transportation, and utilities assistance; child and family care; food and personal care products; and health care and information. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)3 status and those with a fiscal sponsor. Amount: $1,600,000 is available for grants ranging from $10,000-$50,000 each. Deadline: June 29, 2020 for priority consideration.

Hispanics in Philanthropy Rapid Response Migration Fund: Supports organizations continuing to meet the needs of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers deeply impacted by COVID-19 and actively working throughout the U.S., Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and in countries with significant populations of people fleeing Venezuela. The COVID-19 Rapid Response Migration Fund will support frontline migrant-serving organizations to: develop and launch emergency protocols; cover unexpected costs due to office closures or disrupted revenue streams; increase agility in services, information sharing, and advocacy; resource communities with personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning/disinfectant supply kits, and other urgent items as needed; and address other unforeseen impacts of the ongoing pandemic. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations with 501(c)3 status and those with a fiscal sponsor that advance local reintegration of returned populations and their families, advance local community integration processes of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees, and, if U.S. based, work with a transnational approach and in collaboration with other organizations in the region (Mexico and Central America) to reach populations and organizations south of the U.S. border. Amount: $415,000 is available for grants ranging from $5,000-$15,000 each. Deadline: June 22, 2020.

Just Beginnings Collaborative: Seeks to fund proposals by survivor-led organizations working to end child sexual abuse amidst the current global health crisis, including a broad range of prevention, intervention, treatment, healing, arts, applied research, advocacy and community organizing programs. Eligibility: Survivor-centered, collective initiatives that meet the following core requirements: initiatives created and led by survivors traditionally blocked from opportunity (QTBIPOC, BIPOC, those with disabilities); intersectional practices for approaching harm that confront bias and racism; and non-institutional responses that do not remove and punish those who cause harm. Amount: $5,000. Deadline: May 29, 2020 but applicants are encouraged to apply early.

Lyft: As part of its response to COVID-19, Lyft is piloting a new initiative called Essential Deliveries. Through this program, organizations that need delivery services for essential goods — such as groceries, medical supplies, auto parts, and home necessities — are quickly matched with Lyft drivers, who can carry the deliveries out. Additionally, in collaboration with 500+ community partners, Lyft is helping provide essential services — like trips to the grocery store, pharmacy, and healthcare appointments — to those in need. Eligibility: No restrictions. Amount: In-kind services. Deadline: Rolling.

Mosaic: COVID-19 Rapid Response Infrastructure: Mosaic’s mission is to amplify the power of the environmental field—the people and organizations who devote their efforts in pursuit of environmental protection and healthy and just communities—by bolstering the critical infrastructure all movements need to succeed. Mosaic is offering rapid response grants to organizations focused primarily on environmental protection and/or environmental justice to fund tools & technology, training, and related resources needed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Focus areas include: 1) Tools and technology for remote work and communications; 2) Training for effective remote work, advocacy, and connection; and 3) Resources for adaptive organizational operations and planning. Eligibility: Nonprofit grassroots organizations, and networks that support grassroots organizations. Amount: $1,000,000 is available to make awards that range up to $10,000 for organizations and $10,000-$50,000 for networks. Deadline: June 12, 2020 and July 2, 2020.

National Council on Aging: Distributes funds to hard-hit community-based organizations that are directly serving older adults during the pandemic. Funding may be used to provide supports and services needed for older adults at risk for contracting COVID-19 to stay safe, secure, and healthy in their own homes; serve underserved populations such as older women, people of color, LGBTQ, low-income, and rural individuals who are at greatest risk of being admitted to a hospital or nursing home or dying as a result of COVID-19; support older adults through a short-term project or by organizing and building coalitions to address the crisis and educate public officials or the general public; shift resources to adapt to remote work, provide virtual programming to older adults, or gain access to videoconferencing or other technologies to prevent social isolation and disruption of essential services and education; and drive awareness and action campaigns that support access to health care, health testing, services, or government aid and relief programs. Eligibility: Community based organizations with 501(3)3 status or a fiscal sponsor. Amount: Not provided.

National Credit Union Association: Provides grants and loans to low-income credit unions to: provide assistance to schools with children in need, including providing breakfast and lunch; provide assistance to elderly members needing food and medication delivery services; offer rental, mortgage, and utility payment assistance to members such as entrepreneurs, small business owners, and hospitality and service industry employees; offer loan payment relief to affected members; develop a new product or service for affected members, such as offering preloaded cards; or cover costs associated with moving credit union operations to remote locations: laptops, software, and short-term rentals. Eligibility: Federally insured, low-income-designated credit unions. Amount: Loans have a maximum award of $250,000 and will mature in three years. There will be no interest rate applied to loans awarded under this initiative throughout the full term of the loan. Grants have a maximum award of $10,000. Deadline: May 22, 2020.

NDN Collective: Provides rapid response resources for essential service provision to Indigenous communities within the next 15-45 days to provide gap resources during this health crisis. Grants are available to support: Medical supplies; food delivery; youth and/or Elder care; educational access; shelter and housing; economic relief; social-emotional support; cultural, ceremonial, spirit-aligned support; information and communications (access to accurate information; radio/T.V., Internet). Eligibility: Indigenous-led organizations based in and serving an Indigenous community or population in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico), Mexico or Canada. Amount: Organizations with budgets under $500,000 are eligible for grants averaging $15,000. Organizations with budgets above $500,000 are eligible for grants ranging from $50,000-$100,000.

No Kid Hungry: Provides emergency grants to support local school districts and nonprofit organizations in their efforts to ensure kids get the nutritious food they need. Eligibility: School districts and community organizations that provide nutrition programs in their communities. Amount: Not provided.

Omidyar Network: Provides 501c4 funding into national, state, and local advocacy and organizing efforts aimed at passing economic stimulus to address the immediate toll of the COVID-19 pandemic on working people while reshaping our economic structure to ensure they are less vulnerable in the future. Eligibility: Organizations that are 501(c)4s or 501(c)3s with a 501H election. Amount: $1,500,000 is available; most grants will be under $75,000.

Open Road: Provides grants and loans to organizations that have a clear and direct role in ‘flattening the curve’ and thus limiting, shortening, or minimizing the economic and social, as well as health effects of the pandemic. Eligibility: Organizations that: (1) are otherwise fully funded; (2) hit an unexpected, external roadblock (i.e., COVID-19); (3) where Open Road’s grant/loan can fully solve the problem at hand; and (4) demonstrate the potential to create catalytic impact. Amount: Grants of up to $100,000 and loans ranging from $50,000-$500,000.

Paso del Norte Health Foundation: Provides support to help organizations recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, prepare for a potential second wave or future crisis, or transform their operations for future success. As the Paso del Norte region begins to emerge from the devastating immediate impacts of COVID-19, the foundation seeks to support organizations in their organizational recovery, preparedness, and transformation through grant funding and technical assistance. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations within the Paso del Norte region (which includes Luna, Dona Ana, and Otero Counties in New Mexico). Amount: Not specified. Deadline: July 10, 2020.

Peace First: Provides mini-grants to help young people around the world lead projects that address community impacts of COVID-19, from providing meals to elderly neighbors to launching digital mental health campaigns to support youth feeling isolated. Eligibility: Young people between the ages of 13-25. Amount: $250.

PetSmart: Funds are available to support authorized designated responders providing relief during large-scale natural disasters including response to COVID-19. Funds are aimed toward support of rescue, relief, response, and recovery efforts of owned pets. Eligibility: Authorized designated responders such as the organization designated as a responder by the Office of Emergency Management at the city, county, state, or federal level as well as animal welfare and human services organizations if the support is to provide shelter to keep people and pets together. Amount: Not provided. Past grants have averaged approximately $10,000 each.

Resist: Provides rapid response grants for social justice organizations working in the frontlines for social change. Grant requests are reviewed three times per week. Eligibility: Organizations that have budgets under $150,000 and have 501(c)3 status as determined by the IRS, are a federally recognized American Indian tribal government or agency, or be sponsored by one of the above. Amount: $1,000 each.

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation: Identifies new potential partners across the U.S. providing services in the areas of food assistance, rental assistance, mental health, legal aid, financial counseling and other immediate needs. Potential grantees should have a strong record of focusing on restaurant workers. Eligibility: Nonprofits across the United States that are well-positioned to provide restaurant workers healthcare, food, rental assistance, legal assistance, domestic violence support, child care, and other vital emergency provisions. Amount: Not provided.

Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples: Provides direct grant support to stressed Indigenous communities on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, where some are already facing issues of hunger, lack of access to water, and unable to secure basic hygiene and material supplies needed for everyday life. Eligibility: Indigneous-led and Indigenous-based projects. Amount: Not provided.

The Pollination Project: Provides rapid-response funds for projects in one of the following three categories: direct response; community resilience; and moving activities into the virtual realm. Eligibility: Any project that fits within their guidelines; note that there is no funding for organizations with paid staff. Amount: Not provided. Past funding averages approximately $1,200 each.

The Red Backpack Fund: Provides funding to support female entrepreneurs –including those leading nonprofit organizations– in the wake of COVID-19. The fund is set up by Spanx and The Spanx by Sara Blakely Foundation. Eligibility: Majority women-owned businesses and nonprofits with annual revenues less than $5M, at least one additional paid employee, and fewer than 50 individuals on staff. Businesses must be in good standing and incorporated as a legal entity, and be able to demonstrate that the Covid-19 pandemic is causing hardship. Amount: One thousand grants of $5,000 each.

TraceLink: Supports COVID-19 efforts which help to reduce the harmful effects of the virus, seek effective treatments, and support communities directly impacted by the pandemic crisis. Eligibility: Organizations that include, but are not limited to, healthcare disaster and equipment relief; research and development related to treatment, mental health, education, and technology; and small businesses. Amount: $1,000,000 is available. Individual amounts not provided. Deadline: May 15, 2020.

Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights: Provides rapid response funding where quick infusions of funding can address immediate and urgent needs. The fund is currently prioritizing activities related to COVID-19 community responses including: Wellness/healing/community care/trauma-related work; access for digital spaces and remote work/gatherings (ie. VPNs or other digital security tools); feminist and intersectional public health responses to COVID-19; online advocacy campaigns; COVID-19 awareness campaigns for communities without internet access; responses to Anti-Asian xenophobia and violence; documentation of human rights abuses as a result of COVID-19; services based work that now needs to be done online (ie. mental health services, counseling services, emergency kits), with a priority given to services for women, LBTIQ communities and their families; and supporting the disability community and those with heightened/underlying health risks. Eligibility: Women/trans-led organizations. Amount: Up to $8,000.

Wells Fargo: Helps address community-specific needs over the coming weeks and months. A proposal from New Mexico can be for funding directly to an organization, or for a collaborative of organizations working together to address needs that have arisen as a result of COVID-19. Eligibility: Organizations that focus on housing affordability, small business growth, workforce development, financial health, education, and health and human services. Amount: Not provided.

Williams Foundation: Focuses primarily on COVID-19 emergency response, food insecurity, health and human services, and K-12 distance learning solutions for public schools. The Foundation also will match Williams’ employees contributions. Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations, first responders and K-12 schools in communities where Williams operates. Amount: Not provided; the company has pledged $1 million to the fund.

COVID-19 Federal Grant Opportunities*

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Supporting Tribal Public Health Capacity in Coronavirus Preparedness and Response: To support tribal public health emergency response to COVID-19, the CDC is providing funding to carry out public health emergency response activities. This funding and future funding is intended to carry out surveillance, epidemiology, laboratory capacity, infection control, mitigation, communications, and other preparedness and response activities for COVID-19. Eligibility: Federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations that contract or compact with the Indian Health Service under Title I and Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, or consortia of these tribes, or their bona fide agents. All federally recognized tribes, tribal organizations, consortia of federally recognized tribes, or their bona fide agents are encouraged to apply to be considered for subsequent funding to carry out public health emergency response activities in response to COVID-19. Amount: $40 million is available for up to 574 grants. Grants will range from $25,000-$1,500,000 with the average grant anticipated to be $70,000. Deadline: May 31, 2020. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. CDC plans to review applications and issue awards as applications are received. Anticipated award dates are approximately 10 calendar days after application receipt, up to June 10, 2020.

Department of Health and Human Services – Community Economic Development Projects: The Community Economic Development (CED) program will provide grants to Community Development Corporations (CDCs) for projects designed to address the economic needs of individuals and families with low income, through the creation of employment and business opportunities. The CED program seeks to fund projects that address the personal and community barriers that must be overcome to help individuals with low incomes become self-sufficient. Funds can be used for costs associated with participating business start-up or expansion activities, provided that the expenditures result in the creation of positions that can be filled with individuals with low incomes. It is recognized that many businesses supported with CED funds in the past have been put in jeopardy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For the purposes of this solicitation, job creation efforts include the re-creation or restoration of full-time, full-year positions that were lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following three conditions: 1) Applicant must be a private, nonprofit CDC with 501(c)(3) status; 2) Applicant must have articles of incorporation or bylaws demonstrating that the CDC has as a principal purpose the planning, developing, or managing of low-income housing or community economic development activities; and 3) the Board of Directors must have representation from each of the following: community residents, business leaders, and civic leaders. Amount: $13,600,000 is available for up to 17 awards that will range from $100,000-$800,000. Deadline: July 3, 2020.

Department of Health and Human Services – Emergency Response for Suicide Prevention: The current national COVID-19 crisis will certainly contribute to the growth in the number of Americans needing urgent care to address mental health needs, including suicidality. Americans across the country will struggle with increases in depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, isolation, loss of employment, financial instability and other challenges, which can lead to suicide and suicide attempts. The purpose of this program is to support states and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic in advancing efforts to prevent suicide and suicide attempts among adults age 25 and older in order to reduce the overall suicide rate and number of suicides in the U.S. There are serious concerns for domestic violence victims that are posed by mass stay-at-home and quarantine orders. Under normal circ*mstances, domestic violence can lead to situations of increased stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. These are all contributing factors to risk for suicide if unaddressed. Current conditions exacerbate this situation for domestic violence victims. Eligibility: State government agencies, including the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories. The State mental health agency or the State health agency with mental or behavioral health functions should be the lead for the ERSP grant; community-based primary care or behavioral healthcare organizations; public health agencies; community-based service providers able to meet psychiatric and psychosocial needs of clients including, for example, shelters for victims of domestic violence, clubhouse-type facilities; emergency departments; Federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes, tribal organizations, Urban Indian Organizations, and consortia of tribes or tribal organizations. Amount: A total of $40,000,000 is available to make up to 50 awards that range up to $800,000. At least 25% of funding will be used to serve domestic violence victims. Deadline: May 22, 2020.

Department of Homeland Security – FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) Supplemental (S): The objectives of the AFG-S program are to provide critically needed resources that equip personnel to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and support community resilience. Eligibility: Fire departments, nonaffiliated EMS organizations, and state fire training academies. Amount: $100,000,000 is available for up to 1,000 grants. Deadline: May 15, 2020.

Department of Justice – Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program: The Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program will provide funding to assist eligible states, local units of government, and tribes in preventing, preparing for, and responding to the coronavirus. Allowable projects and purchases include, but are not limited to, overtime, equipment (including law enforcement and medical personal protective equipment), hiring, supplies (such as gloves, masks, sanitizer), training, travel expenses, and addressing the medical needs of inmates in state, local, and tribal prisons, jails, and detention centers. Eligibility: States, U.S. Territories, the District of Columbia, units of local government, and federally recognized tribal governments that were identified as eligible for funding under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 State and Local Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program are eligible to apply under the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program solicitation. Amount: Allocations by jurisdiction are available on the Department of Justice website. New Mexico jurisdictions are eligible for up to $3,391,930. Deadline: May 29, 2020.

Economic Development Administration – Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) Programs including CARES Act Funding: The EDA is soliciting applications from applicants in rural and urban areas to provide investments that support construction, non-construction, technical assistance, and revolving loan fund projects under EDA’s Public Works and EAA programs. Grants and cooperative agreements made under these programs are designed to leverage existing regional assets and support the implementation of economic development strategies that advance new ideas and creative approaches to advance economic prosperity in distressed communities. EDA provides strategic investments on a competitive- merit-basis to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment in economically distressed areas of the United States. Eligibility: (i) District Organization of a designated Economic Development District; (ii) Indian Tribe or a consortium of Indian Tribes; (iii) State, county, city, or other political subdivision of a State, including a special purpose unit of a State or local government engaged in economic or infrastructure development activities, or a consortium of political subdivisions; (iv) institution of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education; or (v) public or private non-profit organization or association acting in cooperation with officials of a political subdivision of a State. Amount: $1.5 billion has been appropriated. Individual grants will range from $100,000-$30,000,000. Deadline: None. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the publication of a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Federal Communications Commission – COVID-19 Telehealth Program: This program helps health care providers provide connected care services to patients at their homes or mobile locations in response to the novel Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The program will provide immediate support to eligible health care providers responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by fully funding their telecommunications services, information services, and devices necessary to provide critical connected care services until the program’s funds have been expended or the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. Eligibility: Nonprofit and public eligible health care providers that include (1) post-secondary educational institutions offering health care instruction, teaching hospitals, and medical schools; (2) community health centers or health centers providing health care to migrants; (3) local health departments or agencies; (4) community mental health centers; (5) not-for-profit hospitals; (6) rural health clinics; (7) skilled nursing facilities; or (8) consortia of such agencies. Amount: $200,000,000 is available. While there is no cap on the amount, the agency does not anticipate awarding more than $1,000,000 to any one applicant. Note: This is a reimbursem*nt program.

Health Resources and Services Administration – Rural Tribal COVID-19 Response Program: This program will provide funding to assist tribes to engage in activities that may include, but are not limited to: establishing testing sites, purchasing test kits, implementing telehealth strategies/activities, purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies, and hiring and/or training health care providers and other health care personnel to provide care for COVID-19 patients. Eligibility: Tribes, tribal organizations, urban Indian health organizations, and health service providers to tribes serving rural communities at risk for COVID-19. While the applicant organization may be located in an urban or rural area, all activities supported by the Rural Tribal COVID-19 Response program must exclusively target tribal populations residing in HRSA-designated rural counties or rural census tracts in urban counties. Amount: $15,000,000 is available for approximately 50 grants of up to $300,000 each. Deadline: May 6, 2020.

Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) – CARES Act Grants for Museums and Libraries: IMLS invites project proposals that focus on preserving jobs, training staff, addressing the digital divide, planning for reopening, and providing technical support and capacity building for digital inclusion and engagement while prioritizing services for high-need communities. It encourages efforts to develop programs, tools, models, partnerships, and other resources that will address immediate concerns and have the potential to inspire and benefit museums and libraries throughout the nation. Eligibility: Museums and libraries must be either a unit of State, local, or tribal government or be a private, nonprofit organization that has tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code. Further definitions and requirements are provided in the solicitation. Amount: $13,800,000 is available for 90 grants ranging from $25,000-$500,000 each. The expected average award is $150,000. Deadline: June 12, 2020.

Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) – CARES Act Grants for Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum and Library Services: IMLS recognizes the challenges facing Indian tribes and organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The IMLS CARES Act Grants for Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum and Library Services grant program invites project proposals that focus on preserving jobs, training staff, addressing the digital divide, planning for reopening, and providing technical support and capacity building for digital inclusion and engagement. IMLS encourages efforts to develop programs, tools, models, partnerships, and other resources that will address immediate concerns and have the potential to inspire and benefit other tribes and related organizations as they provide museum and library services to their communities. Eligibility: An Indian tribe or an organization that primarily serves and represents Native Hawaiians. Amount: $1,200,000 is available for 50 grants ranging from $10,000-$150,000 each. The expected average award is $50,000. Deadline: June 12, 2020.

National Endowment for the Arts CARES Act Grants: The National Endowment for the Arts will award funds to nonprofit arts organizations across the country to help these entities and their employees endure the economic hardships caused by the forced closure of their operations due to the spread of COVID-19. Grants will be made either to organizations for their own operations, or to designated local arts agencies, eligible to subgrant, for subgranting programs to eligible nonprofit organizations. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations including arts organizations, local arts agencies, statewide assemblies of local arts agencies, arts service organizations, units of state or local government, federally recognized tribal communities or tribes, and a wide range of other organizations that can help advance the goals of the Arts Endowment and this program. All applicants must be previous National Endowment for the Arts award recipients from the past four years. Amount: Operating grants will be awarded for a fixed amount of $50,000. Designated local arts agencies eligible to subgrant may request $100,000 or $250,000; of these amounts, up to $50,000 of the Arts Endowment grant funds may be used for their own operations and/or the administration of subgranting programs with the remainder to be subgranted. Deadline: April 22, 2020.

National Endowment for the Humanities CARES for Cultural Organizations: NEH will provide support for at-risk humanities positions and projects that have been impacted by the coronavirus. Through this funding opportunity, NEH will award grants to museums, libraries and archives, historic sites, independent research institutions, professional organizations, colleges and universities, and other cultural organizations across the country to help these entities continue to advance their mission during the interruption of their operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. Applicants may apply in one of the following areas, choosing the one that best aligns with their proposed activities: education, public programming, digital humanities, scholarly research, or preservation and access. Eligibility: U.S. nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, public and 501(c)(3) accredited institutions of higher education, state and local governmental agencies, and federally recognized Native American tribal governments. Amount: Up to $35,000,000 is expected to be available to fund 300-600 recipients. Small organizations with annual operating costs less than or equal to $200,000 may request up to $30,000; mid-size organizations with annual operating costs greater than $200,000 and less than or equal to $3,000,000 may request up to 15 percent of their annual operating costs; and large organizations with annual operating costs greater than $3,000,000 may request up to $300,000. Deadline: May 11, 2020.

National Institutes of Health Coronavirus Research Grants: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is devoting regularly appropriated funds and emergency funding it received for COVID-19-related activities in two supplemental bills to funding getting out as quickly as possible to the research community. Urgent and Emergency competitive revision Funding Opportunity Announcements allow NIH to fund applications quickly, often in under three months. The NIH is maintaining a list of funding opportunities specific to COVID-19 with application requirements on its website. Eligibility: In general, domestic or foreign, public or private, non-profit or for-profit organizations are eligible. NIH may limit eligibility for certain types of programs, such as limitations on the participation of foreign entities or programs for which only small businesses are eligible applicants. Amount: Varies by program. Deadline: Rolling; NIH encourages applications to be submitted as quickly as possible.

Small Business Administration 7A Loans/Forgiveness: Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the SBA’s 7A Loan program was expanded to include a “Paycheck Protection” program. The program provides federally-guaranteed loans that may be used for payroll costs, rent, utilities, mortgage interest (not principal), and interest on debt. Loans are available for up to a 10-year term at 4 percent interest, with special loan forgiveness provisions. Loan forgiveness is available for the amount actually paid for payroll costs, salaries, benefits, rent, utilities and mortgage interest during an 8-week period following loan disbursem*nt if all employees are kept on payroll, essentially making it a grant. Borrowers must apply for loan forgiveness. Eligibility: 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, businesses, tribal business concerns, veteran organizations, self-employed individuals, independent contractors. Organizations must employ less than 500 people to be eligible. Amount: Up to $10 million determined by 8 weeks of prior average payroll plus an additional 25% of that amount.

Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan/Emergency Grant Program: Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the SBA’s EIDL program will accept fast-tracked applications in order to allow businesses access to capital within three days through an Emergency Grant. Funds may be used in order to maintain payroll, provide paid sick leave, and to service other debt. Eligibility: Businesses; sole proprietorships; independent contractors; and private nonprofit organizations. Organizations must be in operation prior to 1/31/20. Amount: $10,000 per organization for Emergency Grant funding. Larger loans of up to $2 million are available.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration – Emergency Grants to Address Mental and Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19: The purpose of this program is to provide crisis intervention services, mental and substance use disorder treatment, and other related recovery supports for children and adults impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding will be provided for states, territories, and tribes to develop comprehensive systems to address these needs. The purpose of this program is specifically to address the needs of individuals with serious mental illness, individuals with substance use disorders, and/or individuals with co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorders. Additionally, the program will also focus on meeting the needs of individuals with mental disorders that are less severe than serious mental illness, including those in the healthcare profession. Eligibility: State governments, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, Federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes, tribal organizations, Urban Indian Organizations, and consortia of tribes or tribal organizations. Amount: $110,000,000 is available for grants of up to $2,000,000 per State or up to $500,000 per Territories and Tribes. Deadline: April 10, 2020. SAMHSA has shortened the application timeline due to the acute need in many areas for immediate funding. If SAMHSA does not receive applications for the full funding amount available within this timeframe, the application period will be extended. Funds will be distributed on a rolling basis.

U.S. Agency on International Development (USAID): USAID is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic at home and abroad. Its priorities in the COVID-19 response are to protect the safety and health security of America’s global workforce, ensure that the USAID can continue its life-saving mission across the world, and support partner countries in their response to COVID-19. Partners may submit unsolicited proposals in support of the COVID-19 response to USAID. Eligibility: To be determined. Amount: To be determined.

U.S. Department of Agriculture – Coronavirus Food Assistance Program: The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) provides vital financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have suffered a five-percent-or-greater price decline or who had losses due to market supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19 and face additional significant market costs. Eligible commodities include: Non-specialty crops, wool, livestock, dairy, and specialty crops such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, or mushrooms. Eligibility: Producers who faced price declines and additional marketing costs due to COVID-19. Amount: Payment rates vary based on commodity. Deadline: August 28, 2020.

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants: USDA is opening a second application window for its Distance Learning and Telemedicine grants, which may be used for: (1) acquisition of eligible capital assets, such as: broadband transmission facilities; audio, video and interactive video equipment; terminal and data terminal equipment; computer hardware, network components and software; inside wiring and similar infrastructure that further DLT services; (2) acquisition of instructional programming that is a capital asset; and/or (3) acquisition of technical assistance and instruction for using eligible equipment. USDA is providing this additional filing window for those that could not complete applications prior to the Window 1 deadline. This window also makes available up to $25 million received from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). While the CARES Act requires these funds be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, the agency believes that all DLT projects already serve that purpose. As a result, while not required, applicants are encouraged to identify specific ways in which their application addresses COVID-19. Eligibility: Most State and local governmental entities; Federally-recognized Tribes; non-profits; for-profit businesses; and consortia of eligible entities. Amount: Approximately $40,000,000 is available for grants ranging from $50,000-$1,000,000 each.

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Farmers to Families Food Box: As part of the Coronavirus Farm Assistance Program, the USDA will purchase and distribute up to $3 billion of agricultural products to those in need. USDA will partner with regional and local distributors, whose workforce has been significantly impacted by the closure of many restaurants, hotels, and other food service entities, to purchase fresh produce, dairy, and meat. USDA invites proposals from offerors to supply commodity boxes to non-profit organizations, identified by the offeror, on a mutually agreeable, recurring schedule. USDA will award contracts for the purchase of the agricultural products, the assembly of commodity boxes, and delivery to identified non-profit organizations that can receive, store and distribute food items. Eligibility: Any entity that has the capacity to source eligible products, assemble those products into boxes, and deliver the boxes to nonprofit partners. Eligible products include fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy products, pre-cooked meat, milk, or a combination of such products. Amount: Not stated; applicants propose prices for their food boxes. Deadline: May 1, 2020.

U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Impacts Across Food and Agricultural Systems: This program is designed to rapidly enhance and fill knowledge and information gaps, strengthen and support critical cross-cutting issues to protect the food and agriculture supply chain, health and security of livestock, safety of our foods, as well as the well-being of farm, food service providers, and rural Americans. Awards will be made to research institutions to discover strategies that mitigate threats posed by COVID-19 to the U.S. agricultural system. Projects should develop and deploy rapid, reliable, and readily adoptable strategies across the food and agriculture system utilizing interdisciplinary approaches and teams. Eligibility: Universities and colleges, federal agencies, private organizations, and other research institutions. Amount: Grants of up to $1,000,000 each for a project period of two years. Deadline: June 4, 2020.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic among Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) encourage applications to implement and evaluate community interventions testing (1) the impacts of mitigation strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in NIH-designated health disparity populations and other vulnerable groups; and (2) already implemented, new, or adapted interventions to address the adverse psychosocial, behavioral, and socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic on the health of these groups. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, institutes of higher education, school districts, Tribal governments, public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities, tribal organizations, local governments, and state governments. Amount: Grants range up to $500,000. Deadline: December 1, 2020.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – Multi-Site COVID-19 Related Clinical Trial Implementation Grant on Aging-Related Topics in At-Risk Older Adult Populations: This program will support the implementation of investigator-initiated multi-site clinical trials (all phases or stages) of interventions focused on specific aging-related issues to reducing transmission, risk, morbidity, mortality, severity, or complications of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, institutes of higher education, for-profit organizations, state governments, local governments, public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities, Tribal organizations, Tribal governments, and school districts. Amount: Not specified. Deadline: Rolling.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security – FEMA Public Assistance Program: Public Assistance (PA) is the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) largest grant program providing funds to assist communities responding to and recovering from major disasters or emergencies declared by the President. The program provides funding for emergency assistance to save lives and protect property, and assists with funding for permanently restoring community infrastructure affected by a federally declared incident. PA grant funding is processed according to the type of work the applicant undertakes. Eligible work must be required as a result of the declared incident, be located in the designated area, be the legal responsibility of the applicant, and be undertaken at a reasonable cost. The current emergency in response to COVID-19: Assistance Category B: Emergency Protective Measures. Emergency protective measures conducted before, during, and after an incident are eligible, if the measures eliminate or lessen immediate threats to lives, public health, or safety; OR eliminate or lessen immediate threats of significant additional damage to improved public or private property in a cost-effective manner. Eligible Category B costs include: Management, control and reduction of immediate threats to public health and safety; emergency medical care; medical sheltering (e.g. when existing facilities are reasonably forecasted to become overloaded in the near future and cannot accommodate needs); household pet sheltering and containment actions related to household pets in accordance with CDC guidelines; purchase and distribution of food, water, ice, medicine, and other consumable supplies, to include personal protective equipment and hazardous material suits; movement of supplies and persons; security and law enforcement; communications of general health and safety information to the public; search and rescue to locate and recover members of the population requiring assistance; and reimbursem*nt for state, tribe, territory and/or local government force account overtime costs. Eligibility: States, tribal governments, U.S. territories, local governments, and certain private nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits must also own or operate an eligible facility, a facility that provides an eligible service, which includes education, utilities, emergency, medical, custodial care, and other essential social services. Amount: The minimum project amount is $3,300. Project amounts larger than $131,100 are categorized as a large project. Deadline: Rolling. Link to apply.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Education and Outreach Initiative (COVID-19): The Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI) Component will provide grant funding for creating and disseminating fair housing education and outreach materials as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding will support entities that will create and disseminate fair housing education and outreach materials in COVID-19 affected areas. During this national emergency, HUD wants to remind housing providers and the public of important federal fair housing laws that protect persons from discrimination, including harassment and intimidation in housing and related services on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status and disability. Persons with disabilities, including those who are older and have underlying medical conditions, are vulnerable and at high risk for a severe, life-threatening response to COVID-19. HUD recognizes that these persons may face unique fair housing and civil rights issues in their fair housing related services. Housing providers are required to make reasonable accommodations that may be necessary to deliver housing and services to persons with disabilities affecting major life activities. In addition, HUD wants to prevent discrimination and harassment against people who, because of racial profiling, are perceived to be associated with this disease. Historically, the number of fair housing complaints increases in the aftermath of a disaster or emergency. The EOI solicitation includes funding for two components: (1) General education and outreach activities aimed to inform people of their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act; and (2) A National Media Campaign. Eligibility: General component: Qualified Fair Housing Enforcement Organizations (QFHOs), other Fair Housing Enforcement Organizations (FHOs), and other nonprofit organizations representing groups of persons protected under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, agencies of State or local governments and agencies certified by the Secretary under section 810(f) of the Fair Housing Act or other public or private entities that are formulating or carrying out programs to prevent or eliminate discriminatory housing practices. National Media Component: QFHOs, other FHOs, and other nonprofit organizations representing groups of persons protected under Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Amount: A total of $1,000,000 is available ($500,000 for the general component; $500,000 for the National Media Component).

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Indian Community Development Block Grant Imminent Threat Funding: The Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Imminent Threat funding is provided under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The Act provides funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, for emergencies that constitute imminent threats to health and safety, including: (1) Prepare for: This includes, but is not limited to, activities designed to develop processes and procedures to help keep people healthy, and other activities designed to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and avoid or slow the spread of the disease. (2) Prevent: This includes, but is not limited to, activities designed to prevent the initial or further spread of the virus to the Tribal community. (3) Respond to: Once COVID-19 has spread in the community, examples of how ICDBG-CARES grantees may choose to respond to COVID-19 may include using ICDBG-CARES grant funds to care for those who have become infected and to limit the exposure and spread of the virus, providing emergency rent payments and other public services to families that cannot pay rent, carrying out activities to reduce severe overcrowding, preventing homelessness to ensure families are stably housed, and much more. Funds may continue to be used after the local, service area, or regional coronavirus outbreak on any continuing expenses incurred due to the spread of COVID-19. Eligibility: Indian tribes and tribal organizations may apply. Amount: The CARES Act provides $100,000,000 in funding for grants that will range up to $3,000,000 depending on tribal population and need. Deadline: None stated; applications will be considered and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Environmental Justice Program: EPA is working to improve the environment and public health conditions of low-income and minority communities through its efforts to ensure all Americans have clean air, safe water, and access to information to make decisions to protect personal and public health. As part of these efforts, EPA has re-opened the State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Program (SEJCA) and is giving a special consideration to those applications aimed at addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on urban and rural low income and minority communities. Eligibility: States, U.S. territories, or commonwealths; an instrumentality of the state (i.e. government-created organization which performs governmental functions but does not have full power of the state government); federally recognized tribal governments; and local governments including cities, towns, municipalities, and counties. Amount: $1,000,000 is available for five awards of $200,000 each. Deadline: June 30, 2020.

COVID-19 Other Related Grant Opportunities

Amazon Web Services: AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative: The AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative was developed to provide support for innovations in rapid and accurate patient testing for 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as diagnostic solutions with the potential to mitigate future outbreaks. According to AWS, accurate testing and diagnosis at point-of-care or regional locations for patients with COVID-19 is critical to early intervention and treatment, but vaccine and treatment development research generally are funded by private foundations and government agencies and are slow to be developed. To help address the problem, the initiative will support AWS customers working to speed the collective understanding and detection of COVID-19 and other innovate diagnostic solutions to mitigate future infectious disease outbreaks. Given the need, the emphasis initially will be on COVID-19, but other infectious disease diagnostic projects will be considered. Eligibility: Accredited research institutions, research consortia, and private entities that are AWS customers. Individuals who apply must apply on behalf of their organization and not in their personal capacity. Amount: Awards will be provided through a combination of AWS in-kind credits and technical support to assist research teams in harnessing the full potential of the cloud to tackle this challenge. Deadline: June 30, 2020.

Booz Allen Foundation: Innovation Fund: The Foundation is dedicated to convening diverse stakeholders to solve challenging social issues and has announced the creation of a $1 million Innovation Fund to support the development of creative solutions to address the wide-ranging impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. Grants will be awarded for new ideas for solving a problem related to the pandemic, such as a new system, product, approach, technology, delivery system, or process. The fund is especially interested in ideas and solutions that help build lasting community resilience by protecting vulnerable populations and frontline workers or by providing for the safe return to work. Eligibility: Individuals, teams of individuals, U.S. tax-exempt nonprofits, and small for-profit businesses. Amount: Eligible small for-profit businesses and individuals/teams may submit funding requests for microgrants of up to $10,000. Eligible nonprofit organizations (including, but not limited, to nonprofit universities and nonprofit organizations affiliated with universities) may submit funding requests for grants up to $100,000. Deadline: June 5, 2020.

Borealis Philanthropy: Immigration Litigation Fund: The Immigration Litigation Fund (ILF) will support impact litigation challenging discriminatory, unlawful, and punitive immigration enforcement policies and practices including but not limited to those addressing issues of: identification and apprehension; detention; entry bans; criminal bars; immigration court; adjustment of status; and other enforcement-related actions. It will currently consider litigation projects that challenge immigration enforcement issues including COVID-19’s impact on immigration enforcement. Due to the current economic and health crisis related to COVID-19, ILF grants awarded will be general operating grants rather than project grants. Borealis asks that applicants to the ILF continue to request support for specific impact litigation projects focused on immigration enforcement issues but will provide grant dollars in the form of general operating support to allow organizations maximum flexibility to respond to changing and unforeseen needs and circ*mstances, that arise during the grant period. Eligibility: Public interest legal groups and community-based organizations that are engaged in current or proposed litigation efforts. Amount: Up to $75,000. Deadline: June 1, 2020.

The Center for Craft: Craft Futures Fund: The Craft Futures Fund will support craft communities throughout the United States and their creative responses to COVID-19. These one-time, unrestricted grants will be disbursed to craft-based education projects that seed resilience, foster community, and amplify impact. Amount: Grants of $5,000 will be awarded. Eligibility: Applicants must be 21 years of age or older, eligible to receive taxable income in the U.S., residing and working in the U.S. or its territories for the last two years and for the duration of the grant period proposed by the applicant. Deadline: Requests will be reviewed monthly through October 2020.

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation: COVID-19 Vaccine Development: The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) is seeking to support the rapid development of vaccines against COVID-19. working to accelerate vaccine development and ensure that associated manufacturing capabilities and capacities will meet global demand as quickly as possible. The organization’s most recent call for proposals will support the rapid development of vaccines, with the goal of securing licensure/emergency authorization in twelve to eighteen months or less and ensure the availability of sufficient doses for widespread global deployment as quickly as possible. The RFP should be of particular interest to organizations that have already secured resources for a vaccine candidate for a given COVID-19 target indication or region and that seek additional support, based on the above principles, to aid expansion of global development plans, support large clinical trials, and/or widen the geographic manufacturing footprint. Eligibility: For-profit companies, nonprofit organizations, international institutions, foundations, joint R&D ventures, government research organizations, and other vaccine developers. Amount: Not specified. Deadline: June 30, 2020. Inclusive Growth and Recovery Challenge:, in partnership with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Rockefeller Foundation, has launched the Inclusive Growth and Recovery Challenge. The Challenge is an open call for breakthrough ideas that harness the power of data science to help people and communities thrive, especially in the wake of COVID-19’s economic impact. Inclusive growth proposals are encouraged from and for anywhere in the world. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: jobs of tomorrow—leave no worker behind; access to capital—leave no entrepreneur behind; and cities and towns—leave no place behind. Eligibility: The Challenge is open to any individual, organization, or collaboration from anywhere in the world, including nonprofits, for-profits, individuals 18+ and above, and governments and U.N. agencies. Amount: The Challenge will award up to ten winners with data science talent, software, training, and funding from $10,000 up to $10,000,000 in a mix of grant funding, technical support and consulting, media production, marketing and promotional outreach, and software and infrastructure licenses. Deadline: July 17, 2020.

ECMC Foundation: The ECMC Foundation works to improve post-secondary outcomes for students from underserved backgrounds nationwide. The Foundation makes investments in two focus areas: The College Success category aims to increase the number of students from historically and presently underserved backgrounds who persist through and graduate from an institution of higher education with a bachelor’s degree. The Career Readiness category aims to improve post-secondary career and technical education outcomes for students from underserved backgrounds. The Foundation is giving priority to requests that address the immediate challenges and opportunities arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies are eligible to apply. Amount: Not specified. Deadline: Requests may be submitted throughout the year.

Elrha: Research to Support COVID-19 Response in Humanitarian Settings: Elrha is launching an urgent funding call for research proposals to support the COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings. The call aims to fund public health research that will produce robust findings that will contribute to the effectiveness of the current humanitarian response and increase the evidence base for future responses to similar infectious disease outbreaks. Eligibility: Applicants can be based in any country in the world and must apply as part of an established organization. The research team should include academic and humanitarian partners, as appropriate. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their proposed research is relevant, feasible and ethical. Amount: The size and number of grants to be awarded will depend on the quality of proposals received that are within the scope of the call. There will be no ceiling to the budgets. Deadline: There will be three rounds with the following deadlines: April 13, April 20, and May 4, 2020.

Eyebeam: Rapid Response for A Better Digital Future Program: The program will help artists who will create new ways of interacting through the internet, new ways of engaging with each other, and more equitable relationships for sustainable arts practices and creative economies. It is based on the fundamental notion that radical imagination, led by artists, is a key step in building for the long term. The guiding question for this call is: how do we begin to exit surveillance capitalism as the dominating form of digital life and what can replace it? Eligibility: Artists. Amount: There will be two phases. The first, planning/idea stage, will award twelve $5,000 grants. In the second, project/development phase, three of those recipients will be awarded up to an additional $20,000 to build their ideas into actionable projects, based on their potential for real-world impact. Deadline: May 21, 2020.

IBM: Call for Code Global Challenge: Call for Code is a tech-for-good challenge that asks innovators to create practical, effective, and high-quality open source applications based on one or more IBM Cloud™ service (e.g., web, mobile, data, analytics, AI, IoT, or weather) that can have an immediate and lasting impact on humanitarian issues. This year the competition will have two tracks: the first for solutions that help halt and reverse the impact of climate change, and the second for solutions to mitigate the impact of global pandemics such as COVID-19 on communities around the world. Winning solutions will be deployed in communities that need the most help. Eligibility: All developers, designers, and entrepreneurs who are over the age of 18 or the age of majority in their jurisdiction, whichever is greater. Amount: The grand-prize winner will receive $200,000, the first- and second-place runners up will each receive $25,000, and the third- and fourth-place runners up will each receive $10,000. Deadline: July 31, 2020.

Internet Society Foundation Emergency Response Programme: The program will provide funding to organizations working on projects that utilize the Internet to improve lives during or in response to an emergency situation. In 2020, the Foundation’s focus will be on projects that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, both during the immediate period of the crisis but also looking ahead at responses to the inevitable “second wave” later this year/into 2021. Examples of potential projects include: Applications that accelerate and coordinate humanitarian response; services that promote and enable distance learning for students; research and documentation on censorship of COVID-19 public health and safety information or the increasing use of surveillance technology in the name of public health or safety; circumvention solutions that provide access to blocked public health and safety information or directly respond to increased COVID-19-related censorship; platforms that establish new pathways to alternative livelihoods; and indexes that demonstrate urban and/or rural pandemic preparedness. Other innovative projects are encouraged. Eligibility: Organizations must be legally registered in their country; have an official bank account in their name (based on their legal registration); and be equivalent to a United States public charity (or a “501c3” organization). Amount: Grants of $250,000-$500,000 will be made. Deadline: May 17, 2020.

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing: COVID Decision Modeling Grants: COVID Decision Modeling Grants aim to catalyze innovative COVID-19 decision models for rapid uptake and impact. To that end, the COVID Decision Modeling Initiative (CDMI) will support the development of decision models that inform the urgent needs of decision makers responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. CDMI has several specific goals with respect to facilitating responsive decision modeling research, including determining key priorities and critical questions where decision modeling can support better decisions and outcomes during the pandemic; leveraging the Society of Medical Decision Making (SMDM) repository of models and network of decision modelers to address COVID-19; and funding six to ten projects with rapid impact potential. Eligibility: Modelers who have submitted a model description of their research to the SMDM repository and/or are willing to submit modeling description from the output of this grant opportunity to the public-facing SMDM repository. Amount: Not specified. Deadline: June 30, 2020.

Lewis Prize for Music COVID-19 Community Response Fund: The Fund will support youth-serving music organizations across the country who are taking a leadership role and responding to their communities in the face of COVID-19. The fund seeks Creative Youth Development (CYD) music programs to support their responsive and adaptive efforts during these difficult times. CYD organizations uniquely act as a critical part of the social fabric devoted to supporting young people’s creative and material well being. By combining artistic training with access to mentorship, meals, transportation, mental health services and even housing, CYD providers are practiced at meeting the immediate and unique needs of young people. Eligibility: 501(c)(3) organizations or those that have a partnership with a 501(c)(3) as a fiscal sponsor; have been in operation since at least May 08, 2017; are for youth (ages 12-20) outside of school hours; and are based in the United States or U.S. territories, and serve young people who reside in the United States or U.S. territories. Amount: $1,000,000 is available for grants ranging from $25,000-$50,000 each. Deadline: May 8, 2020.

MIT Solve: Proposals for Health Security & Pandemics Challenge: MIT Solve is seeking tech innovations that can slow and track the spread of an emerging outbreak — for example, by improving individual hygiene, developing low-cost rapid diagnostics, analyzing data that informs decision making, and providing tools that protect health workers. Eligibility: No restrictions; individuals, teams, and organizations may apply. Amount: All solutions selected for this global challenge will receive a $10,000 grant. Deadline: June 18, 2020.

Mozilla Open Source Support Program (MOSS) COVID-19 Solutions Fund: The MOSS Program, created in 2015, broadens access, increases security, and empowers users by providing catalytic funding to open source technologists. As part of the COVID-19 Solutions Fund, the fund will accept applications that are hardware (e.g., an open source ventilator), software (e.g., a platform that connects hospitals with people who have 3D printers who can print parts for that open source ventilator), as well as software that solves for secondary effects of COVID-19 (e.g., a browser plugin that combats COVID related misinformation). Eligibility: Any type of legal entity, including NGOs, for profit hospitals, or a team of developers with strong ties to an affected community. Amount: Up to $50,000.

National Science Foundation COVID-19 Funding: NSF is accepting proposals to conduct non-medical, non-clinical-care research that can be used immediately to explore how to model and understand the spread of COVID-19, to inform and educate about the science of virus transmission and prevention, and to encourage the development of processes and actions to address this global challenge. The research community is invited to respond to this challenge through existing funding opportunities as well as using the Rapid Response Research (RAPID) funding mechanism. Eligibility: Institutions of higher education, nonprofit, non-academic organizations, for-profit organizations, and state/local governments. Amount: $200,000 for RAPID response proposals.

NEA Foundation: COVID-19 Response Learning & Leadership Grants: In response to educators’ emerging needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the NEA Foundation is inviting applications for COVID-19 Response – Learning & Leadership grants. Through the program, grants will be awarded in support of professional development focused on adapting teaching and learning to the unique challenges of the 2020-21 school year. Successful projects will identify clear professional learning goals associated with serving students during the school year. Particular attention should be given to identifying and addressing pertinent educational equity and opportunity gaps exacerbated by the pandemic. Eligibility: Applicants must be a current member of NEA and be a teacher, education support professional, or specialized instructional support personnel. Amount: Grants of of either $2,000 or $5,000 will be awarded. Deadline: July 15, 2020.

NEA Foundation: COVID-19 Response Student Success Grants: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NEA Foundation is providing funding to support educators responding to educational needs and concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the COVID-19 Response – Student Success Grants is to support educator-led initiatives that increase educational equity and opportunity, responding to student needs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Successful projects will support creativity and individuality in student learning, while clearly responding to needs that emerged or worsened during the pandemic. Amount: Grants of either $2,000 and $5,000 will be awarded. Eligibility: Applicants must be teachers, education support professionals, or specialized instructional support personnel and must be current NEA members. Deadline: July 15, 2020.

Open IDEO COVID-19 Reimagine Learning Challenge: Open IDEO is accepting application for its sprint to connect funders and innovators. Applications should seek to address the question: “How might we help educators, parents, and students adapt to remote learning while also using this moment to radically reimagine what we need our education systems to be?” Eligibility: The challenge is open to anyone. Amount: Not provided but successful applicants will be invited to participate in a two-week design sprint with community coaches. Deadline: May 19, 2020.

Pfizer Global Medical Grants COVID-19 Grants Program: Pfizer will support educational programs for healthcare providers focused on the recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and overall care management of patients with COVID-19; programs that include tools designed to help health care providers educate patients and caregivers on the disease state, preventative measures, and emerging strategies for COVID-19 treatment; and hospitals or healthcare systems so that they may evaluate and improve their systems-of-care for COVID-19 patients. Eligibility: Medical, dental, nursing, allied health, and/or pharmacy professional schools; healthcare institutions (both large and small); professional associations; government agencies; and other entities with a mission related to healthcare improvement. Amount: $5,000,000 is available for grants ranging from $20,000 to $250,000 each. Deadline: May 22, 2020.

Pulitzer Center Grant for Innovative Coronavirus Reporting Collaborations: The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is seeking proposals focused on innovative approaches to reporting on the novel coronavirus crisis using collaboration among journalists and newsrooms across state lines or national borders. Eligibility: The opportunity is open to all newsrooms and independent journalists in the United States and abroad. Amount: The budget for most projects will fall in the range of $5,000-$30,000.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Emergency Response for the General Public Challenge: A large-scale health crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, or natural disasters, can disrupt the lives of everyone in an affected community. The public faces numerous challenges during these events such as rapidly spreading misinformation, shortages of supplies like medications, and lack of access to resources and health care. Digital health tools have the capacity to support individuals during these critical periods. This competition seeks to provide funding to help build a health technology tool to support the needs of individuals affected by a large-scale health crisis (pandemic, natural disaster, or other public health emergency). Eligibility: No restrictions noted. Awards include: five $1,000 semi-finalist awards, and three finalists – $5,000 for third, $15,000 for second, and $25,000 for fourth. Deadline: June 12, 2020.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthcare System Challenge: The health care system faces several challenges during an emergency such as: Resource Management: Shortages of equipment, staff, and cash flow; Health Data Exchange: Limited information and access available on patients’ health histories; Training and Communication: Limited training and cumbersome communication between responders and clinicians; and Capacity: Limited beds, equipment, and resources and a need to maximize patient flow/throughput. This competition seeks to provide funding to help create a digital tool supporting the health care system (including but not limited to providers, government, and public health and community organizations) during a large-scale health crisis (pandemic, natural disaster, or other public health emergency). Eligibility: No restrictions noted. Awards include: five $1,000 semi-finalist awards, and three finalists – $5,000 for third, $15,000 for second, and $25,000 for fourth. Deadline: June 12, 2020.

Russel Sage Foundation: The Foundation is adjusting its current grant program to fund only research so timely and time-sensitive that the project must start before April 1, 2021; or research that analyzes social, political, economic, or psychological disruptions resulting from the coronavirus crisis affecting social and living conditions in the United States. Eligibility: All applicants (both PIs and Co-PIs) must have a doctorate. In rare circ*mstances, the Foundation may consider applications from scholars who do not hold a doctorate but can demonstrate a strong career background that establishes their ability to conduct high-level, peer-reviewed scholarly research. Amount: Grants range from $35,000-$175,000 depending on the category (see the Foundation’s website). Deadline: May 21, 2020.

Smart Growth America: Arts & Transportation Rapid Response: With support from the Kresge Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, Smart Growth America is now accepting applications for Arts & Transportation Rapid Response, a new opportunity for cities looking to creatively and quickly address COVID-19 pandemic-related transportation challenges. Selected agencies will be matched with an artist who will work with the agency over the next few months on their proposed project. Eligibility: Jurisdictions of any size are eligible to apply. Jurisdictions must apply to work with an artist directly on a COVID-19 related transportation challenge. A jurisdiction must be a single government body responsible for overseeing their constituency’s transportation (i.e., a transit agency, a department of transportation, or a department of public works). This includes cities, counties, tribal governments, or regional planning agencies. Amount: Participating artists will receive between $5,000-$20,000 to support the artists’ time and project materials, as well as a short series of training sessions to prepare them to work with the transportation agencies. Agencies applying for this opportunity should submit project ideas that can be addressed with this scale of funding. The grant will provide a stipend in the range of $2,500–$7,500, based on project scope and size, to the selected agencies to ensure that this is a benefit rather than a burden to their ongoing work. Smart Growth America will also provide project management support and a photographer to document each selected project. Deadline: May 26, 2020. Deadline: May 26, 2020.

Social Science Research Council COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants: SSRC’s Covid-19 Rapid-Response Grants will support innovative research projects that deploy remote research methods to shed light on both the short- and potential long-term effects of Covid-19 across a range of issues. These include:“Social distancing” and virtual social interaction; governance and democracy; public trust and (dis)information; social inequality and the pandemic’s disproportionate effects by race and ethnicity; the lessons of past disasters, and responses to them, for the present; the role of religious ideas, practices, and institutions in responding to the pandemic; the workplace and labor markets; technology, surveillance, and ethics; and the uses of, and the limits to, modeling in responses to the pandemic’s effects and in scenario planning. Eligibility: researchers who hold a PhD in any social science disciplines or related interdisciplinary fields. Amount: $2,000-$5,000. Deadline: June 1, 2020.

Spencer Foundation COVID-19 Related Research Grants: Grants will support education research projects that will contribute to understanding the rapid shifts in education in this time of crisis and change. There are two categories of projects of particular interest: 1) Studies that aim to understand and disrupt the reproduction and deepening of educational inequality caused by the COVID-19 crisis. 2) Opportunities to remake and imagine anew forms of equitable education. Eligibility: Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs applying for a COVID-19 Related Research Grant on Education must have an earned doctorate in an academic discipline or professional field or appropriate experience in an education research-related profession. Amount: $50,000 each. Deadline: Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling cycle with deadlines on May 4, May 18, and June 8, 2020.

TD Bank Group: TD Ready Challenge: The TD Ready Challenge is an annual North American initiative that provides support to catalyze innovative solutions for a changing world. Grants are awarded to organizations in the United States and Canada that have impactful and measurable solutions that will help open doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow. The theme of the 2020 Challenge focuses on addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically for communities that are experiencing these impacts disproportionately. Funded solutions must also address at least one of the four interconnected drivers of change of the TD Ready Commitment: Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities, and Better Health. Amount: Grants will range from $350,000 to $1,000,000 (CAD). Eligibility: U.S. charitable, non-profit organizations and Canadian registered or incorporated charities and not-for-profits may apply. Deadline: August 13, 2020.

WorkRise: Research on Worker Mobility: WorkRise, a research-to-action network for jobs, workers, and mobility, is launching a drive to rapidly develop and share actionable evidence on what works to shore up workers’ economic security during the COVID-19 crisis and promote longer-term upward mobility as they rebuild their lives. The initiative will provide funding for research on pilot or existing programs, policies, and practices aimed at the rapid development of rigorous evidence that can inform and drive effective action toward a labor market that boosts workers’ mobility; create a clearinghouse for innovative responses to the current labor market crisis taken by the private sector, civil society, and government; and elevate promising policies and practices to key decision makers, including philanthropic leaders; local, state, and federal policy makers; worker advocates; and business leaders. Eligibility: Practitioners, policy makers, researchers, advocates, employers, and others are eligible to apply. Amount: Awards will range between $50,000-$500,000 for a twelve- to eighteen-month grant period. Deadline: June 29, 2020.

Relief Funds for Individuals

Actors Fund: The Actors Fund has partnered with other entertainment industry organizations to provide emergency financial assistance to those in immediate financial need. Funds are available to union and non-union workers in entertainment and the performing arts. Several funds are listed on the site, many of which are available nationally (others are limited to California). Eligibility: Varies by fund. Amount: Varies by fund.

American Farmland Trust: American Farmland Trust will directly support farmers impacted by the current crisis to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis. Eligibility: Any small and mid-size direct-market producers, defined as producers with annual gross revenue of between $10,000 and $1 million from sales at farmers markets and/or direct sales to restaurants, caterers, schools, stores, or makers who use farm products as inputs. Amount: Up to $1,000.

Artist Relief Fund: Artist Relief will distribute grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19; serve as an ongoing informational resource; and co-launch the COVID-19 Impact Survey for Artists and Creative Workers, designed by Americans for the Arts, to better identify and address the needs of artists.Artist Relief is an initiative organized by the Academy of American Poets, Artadia, Creative Capital, Foundation for Contemporary Arts, MAP Fund, National YoungArts Foundation, and United States Artists—all small to mid-sized national arts grantmakers with significant funding from a number of other foundations. Eligibility: Practicing artists living in all fifty states, territories, and Tribal Nations, working in any discipline. Amount: $5,000.

Artist Relief Project: The Artist Relief Project will support artists in any discipline, who have been directly impacted by event cancellations and venue closures due to COVID19-related health concerns. The funds raised will offer relief to artists in the immediate short term in the form of a one-time stipend and in the long term in the form of resources for alternative, sustainable economic opportunities. Eligibility: Any artist in any discipline who has been impacted by COVID19-related cancellations and closures. Amount: Not provided.

Arts Administrators of Color: Arts Leaders of Color Emergency Fund: The Arts Leaders of Color Emergency Fund, which supports BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) artists and arts administrators impacted by COVID-19. Eligibility: BIPOC artists and administrators. Amount: Microgrants of $200 will be awarded. Deadline: None; applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Culture Connects Coalition: Culture Connects Coalition is a fund to support arts and culture in all their expressions for the greater good of our community and constituents. Its first initiative is in response to COVID-19 pandemic and reducing its impact on the community. The Artist Relief Fund is designed to help those artists most dramatically affected. Eligibility: Any artist who resides in Santa Fe County. Amount: $500-$1,000.

Format: The Photographer Fund: Format created the Photographer Fund to honor the hustle photographers are used to dealing with and help independent photographers who are facing unprecedented financial hardships in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak stay on their feet. Eligibility: Self-employed photographers who are facing financial hardships. Amount: $25,000 is available for stipends of $500 each.

Foundation for Contemporary Arts: The Foundation for Contemporary Arts has created a fund to meet the needs of experimental artists who have been impacted by the economic fallout from postponed or canceled performances and exhibitions. Eligibility: Individual artists, or an individual representing an artist collective, ensemble, or group. Amount: $1,500.

Fulcrum Fund/516 Arts: 516 Arts, a re-granting partner of the Warhol Foundation, is refocusing its annual grant program to emergency funding for artists who are experiencing situations of economic instability and loss. Eligibility: Emergency relief grants are for self-identified visual or multi-disciplinary artists (including graduate students) who are 21 years of age and older that have lost income from cancellations and closures as a result of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Artists based within an 80-mile radius of Albuquerque (including Santa Fe, Española, Grants and Socorro) are encouraged to apply. Amount: 60 grants of $1,000 each. Deadline: April 15, 2020.

MusiCares COVID-19 Relief Fund: MusiCares is helping address the concerns of the music industry during this time, and has expanded its services to include lost income due to the cancellation of scheduled gigs or performances due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 precautionary measures. Eligibility: Music industry professionals. Amount: $1,000.

National Domestic Workers Alliance Coronavirus Care Fund: The Fund will provide emergency assistance for home care workers, nannies, and house cleaners to support them in staying safe and staying home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, and to care for themselves and their families. Eligibility: Domestic workers who are participants in activities of the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), NDWA chapters, affiliate organizations, and circles or who were NDWA dues-paying members or Alia users prior to March 16, 2020. Amount: Up to $400.

National Geographic COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Journalists: National Geographic Society is launching an emergency fund for journalists all over the world who wish to cover COVID-19 within their own communities. This fund will place particular emphasis on delivering news to underserved populations, particularly where there is a dearth of evidence-based information getting to those who need it. This fund is designed to quickly deliver support so that both individual stories and longer series of content may be created. Eligibility: Writers, photographers, videographers, audio journalists, cartographers, filmmakers, and data visualization experts. Amount: $1,000-$8,000.

NDN Collective Artist & Entrepreneur Fund: The NDN COVID-19 Response Project is designed to provide rapid response resources to Indigenous artists, entrepreneurs, and small businesses bracing from economic contractions and stresses to their daily business operations, solvency, and future growth. Eligibility: (1) Indigenous Artist: An individual or entity engaged in creating, practicing, or demonstrating art as part of one’s livelihood or income generation. All art forms and genres are eligible, including but not limited to digital design, jewelry making, traditional or culturally significant art forms, fashion, music, media production, tactile or other 3D or 2D art forms. (2) Indigenous-led Small Businesses: All businesses under 500 employees, including both registered and unregistered businesses, self-employed businesses and independent contractors, and consultants. Amount: $5,000.

New Mexico Caregiver Emergency Childcare Grants: New Mexico Caregivers Coalition is offering immediate Caregiver Emergency Child Care Grants to New Mexico’s caregivers and home care workers who have a young child/children (aged 0-12) in child care settings. Eligibility: Person who works as a home care worker and has young child/children (0-12) in child care settings; child care providers recognized under emergency NM Public Health Order(s) may apply. Amount: $100. Applicants may apply up to three times.

New Mexico Essential Child Care Wage Incentive: New Mexico recognizes the profound and essential work of child care professionals especially now during this public health emergency, as they provide care for first responders, health care personnel, and other essential employees. Eligibility: Child care professionals (full or part-time) who are currently working at registered or licensed child care facilities that are serving health care professionals, first responders, and other essential employees are eligible to apply for the Essential Child Care Wage Incentive program. Amount: The incentive will range from $350 to $700 monthly for the months of April, May, and June 2020. Deadline: May 15, 2020.

New Mexico Musicians’ Relief Fund: The fund helps musicians of all genres and geographic locations in the New Mexico music community who are financially impacted by cancellations due to COVID-19. The fund gives priority to artists of color, LGBTQ+ & non-binary artists, and disabled or immunocompromised artists, but intends to help all artists who have applied. Eligibility: Artists of any music genre. Amount: Up to $900. A second round of funding is anticipated to open in late April/early May.

One Fair Wage Emergency Fund: The One Fair Wage fund will help restaurant workers, gig workers, and other hourly workers are facing unprecedented economic hardship from the coronavirus crisis. Eligibility: Workers in service, food, and other industries who can document financial hardship. Amount: Not provided.

PEN America Writers’ Emergency Fund: PEN America will support writers who no longer have access to any of the ways in which they have supported themselves, especially resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Eligibility: Professional writers based in the United States that can demonstrate that a one-time grant will be meaningful in helping them to address an emergency situation. Amount: $500-$1,000.

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation: The Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation is partnering with Southern Smoke Foundation to distribute direct assistance funds. Southern Smoke is a nonprofit 501c3 crisis relief foundation created by James Beard Award-winning Chef Chris Shepherd of Underbelly Hospitality and Lindsey Brown of Lindsey Brown Public Relations to raise funds for charitable purposes, principally for support and assistance for those in the food and beverage community and their suppliers during times of crisis. Eligibility: Restaurant workers in the United States. Amount: Individual amounts average $2,000 each. To date, the RWCF has raised more than $3 million for distribution.

Rust Opportunity Scholarship: CNM students who experience an unforeseen financial situation (including those related to COVID-19) may apply for this scholarship in order to continue their studies and complete a CNM certificate or degree. Eligibility: CNM students only. Amount: Determined on a case by case basis.

Stevens Initiative Coronavirus Response Fund: The Stevens Initiative is providing resources to help education, exchange, and non-profit organizations in the United States and the Middle East and North Africa conduct virtual exchange programs to engage young people and educators affected by the pandemic. Eligibility: Applicants based in the United States must be tax-exempt non-profit organizations, including educational institutions. Applicants based in the Middle East or North Africa must be non-profit organizations, including educational institutions, that can demonstrate current in-country registration. Amount: $20,000 to $100,000. Applicants can request no more than 40% of the amount of their Fiscal Year 2019 operating budget. Deadline: June 12, 2020.

Sweet Relief Fund for Musicians: The Sweet Relief Fund will help musicians and music industry workers affected by the coronavirus, including with medical expenses, lodging, clothing, food, and other vital living expenses to those impacted due to sickness or loss of work. Eligibility: Musicians who have regular public performances, or have performed on at least three widely released recordings (audio or audiovisual), or written music that has been performed on three widely released recordings, or published on three occasions. The term “musician” includes vocalists, songwriters, composers, arrangers, and instrumentalists. Amount: Not provided.

Twenty Summers Emergency Arts Fund: The Emergency Arts Fund is a nationwide initiative that supports both artists and arts organizations, gives artists a chance to promote their work from home, and stimulates and connects art-lovers during a time of social isolation. Artists send Twenty Summers a video and solicit new videos from their colleagues; Twenty Summers embeds the videos with a donate button to the Emergency Art Fund; Twenty Summers, artists, and their networks promote the videos online; and Twenty Summers distributes received donations to artists and arts organizations in need. Eligibility: Artists and art organizations. Amount: Artists: Up to $500; Arts organizations: Up to $1,000.

USBG National Charity Foundation: The Bartenders Emergency Assistance Program will support bartenders, spouses of bartenders, or children of bartenders experiencing a catastrophic event or emergency hardship. Amount: Not provided.

Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) COVID-19 Relief Program: WWP Warriors registered on or before April 8, 2020 may apply for assistance if absolutely needed because of financial hardships from COVID-19. Eligibility: Confirmed registration with WWP on or before April 8, 2020; have themselves suffered a loss of personal employment/work income or are dependent on someone in their household who has suffered a loss of employment/work income due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and are currently unable to pay for rent/mortgage, utilities, food, due to the loss of income as a result of COVID-19. Amount: There is a $10,000,000 fund for grants of $1,000 each.

Resource Pages

*Note: This includes federal loans that have a grant portion or loan forgiveness. These programs are new and changing rapidly. Please rely on your lender for advice.

COVID-19 Emergency Grants (2024)


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Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.