Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (2024)

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Table Of Contents

  1. A Bit About Leeks
  2. Katie’s Chicken Barley Leek Soup
  3. Print This Recipe
  4. What Will YOU Run into at the Store?
Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (1)

I ran into a leek today at the supermarket. I’ve never bought a leek, or even looked one in the face before. The closest I’ve ever come is reading about them. They bring to mind a sensation of English literature, like if I was the little girl in The Secret Garden, I would eat leeks at teatime in the parlor.

I knew a leek was in the onion family…and I’d actually come across a Rachael Ray soup recipe earlier in the week containing leeks that I thought I might be able to try. When I ran into the leek – organic at that! – on accident in the produce section, I thought I’ll just have to buy it and jump headlong into the recipe without looking back.

Note: This post was written in the winter.

A Bit About Leeks

Luckily Rachael Ray actually took the time out of her 30 minutes to describe how to cut and wash the leek: You have to cut off the very tip of the white part, then slice it lengthwise so that you can wash between the layers down there. There’s a lot of dirt in a leek! You then slice the white part into thin half moon shapes. You can then cut into the greens until you reach the “tough part”. The shape is kind of up to you for the greens; I went with little diced squares. Most recipes for leeks will note if you use just the white part, or not.

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (2)

Leeks emanate a rather pleasant, delicate, onion-y scent as you cut them. The half-moon part was easy, but I’m still not quite sure where I was supposed to stop cutting! It was clear that the leeks, which are white on the bottom with broad, flat, hardy strips of leaves on top, had been cut for aesthetics in the grocery store. So did they already cut off “the tough part”? Or was that my job? I went with a halfway job, cutting about halfway up the stalk and putting the rest back in my fridge in case I decided it was safe to eat another day. It’s always an adventure – a worthwhile one! – to try a new fruit or vegetable. I’ve purchased another leek or two since then, and I pretty much use the whole thing. We haven’t died yet!

RELATED: How to Make Any Soup Recipe in the Instant Pot.

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (3)

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (4)Leftovers note: Leeks can be cut and frozen, just like an onion, according to my man at the Farmer’s Market. I’ve got some waiting for mid-winter!

Looking for more soup recipes? You won’t want to miss the eBook Winter Soups, a compilation from over 50 real food bloggers. I truly enjoy having this book in my collection for all the great new ideas. Check it out here.

Katie’s Chicken Barley Leek Soup

Here’s the result of Rachael Ray, the leek, and I collaborating on a soup that turned out to be one of the best I’ve had all winter long. It seriously reminds me of a high quality restaurant soup, and by chance, all the veggies were on sale organic that week (added bonus!) and the chicken was local, so I felt really good about serving it to my family. I even had enough of the double batch to share with a friend with cancer and another who was expecting twins any second! She got her fuel for labor from my soup – I was so proud! Turns out I didn’t use Miss Ray’s recipe much beyond learning to cut a leek, so I feel no guilt in sharing:

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (6)
  • 1-2 Tbs each butter and olive oil
  • 2 leeks
  • 2-4 carrots
  • 3-5 ribs celery
  • 4 oz. baby portobella (or white) mushrooms
  • ¼-1/2 tsp bay leaf seasoning (or one bay leaf)
  • 1-2 tsp thyme
  • 6 c. chicken broth
  • 2 c. cooked chicken
  • ½ c. barley*

*I got my barley at a health foods store – “organic pearled barley” – for less money than what I can usually find at Meijer, Quaker “quick” barley. If you have to use quick barley, it will still be tasty, but that whole barley, soaked, was amazing! If you can find “hulled barley”, I’ve since learned that it is even less processed than “pearled”, therefore more nutritious, and equally delicious.


Slice and sauté vegetables in butter and olive oil about 5 minutes. Add seasonings and sauté a few more minutes. Add broth and barley. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer until barley is done, about 30-45 minutes. If the barley soaks up too much broth, add more. Add chicken, 1 tsp salt and ½-1 tsp pepper.

I would highly recommend making a big pot of chicken stock and using the homemade stock and cooked chicken for this soup.

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (7)

Healthier Upgrade

Soaked option: soak a cup of barley in water and 2 Tbs whey or lemon juice overnight, then cook with salt about 45 minutes. Drain before adding to soup. Eye up the amount, then save and freeze the rest for your next batch.

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Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (8)

Katie’s Chicken Barley Leek Soup

★5 Stars☆★4 Stars☆★3 Stars☆★2 Stars☆★1 Star☆No reviews

  • Author: Katie Kimball
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 55 mins
  • Yield: 4 1x
  • Category: Soup
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  • 12 Tbs. each butter and olive oil (use the code STEWARDSHIP for 10% off at that site!)
  • 2 leeks
  • 24 carrots
  • 35 ribs celery
  • 4 oz. baby portobella (or white) mushrooms
  • 1/41/2 tsp. bay leaf seasoning (or one bay leaf)
  • 12 tsp. thyme
  • 6 c. chicken broth
  • 2 c. cooked chicken
  • 1/2 c. barley*


  1. Slice and sauté vegetables in butter and olive oil about 5 minutes.
  2. Add seasonings and sauté a few more minutes.
  3. Add broth and barley.
  4. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer until barley is done, about 30-45 minutes. If the barley soaks up too much broth, add more.
  5. Add chicken, 1 tsp salt (Use the code kitchenstewardship for 15% off of your first purchase) and ½-1 tsp pepper.


I would highly recommend making a big pot of chicken stock and using the homemade stock and cooked chicken for this soup.

Healthier Upgrade

Soaked option: Soak a cup of barley in water and 2 Tbs whey or lemon juice overnight, then cook with salt about 45 minutes. Drain before adding to soup. Eye up the amount, then save and freeze the rest for your next batch.

*I got my barley at a health foods store – “organic pearled barley” – for less money than what I can usually find at Meijer, Quaker “quick” barley. If you have to use quick barley, it will still be tasty, but that whole barley, soaked, was amazing! If you can find “hulled barley”, I’ve since learned that it is even less processed than “pearled”, therefore more nutritious, and equally delicious.

What Will YOU Run into at the Store?

I dare you to try something new this month. Find a good recipe that you would usually skip over because of an unfamiliar ingredient. (Choose a healthy new adventuresome ingredient, of course.) Last week’s bean recipe round-up or this week’s broth/stock recipesare great places to start! (Or grab a leek…this soup’s fast, easy and delish!)

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (9)

Other Recipes to Choose From:

  • Crockpot Tuscan Beef Stew
  • Tuscan Bean Soup
  • Garlic Soup
  • Sausage Zucchini Bake

Photo of leek source

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Category: Real Food Recipes, Research, Understanding Your Food

Tags: carrots, celery, chicken stock, easy meals, fast meals, leeks, main course, meatless, mushrooms, soaked grains, soup, traditional foods, vegetarian, whole grains

Chicken Barley Leek Soup Recipe (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.