13 Bomb-Ass Healthy Brownie Recipes (2024)

You don’t have to rely on pre-made mixes for rich, fudgy brownies. It’s time to think outside the Betty Crocker box.

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These healthier recipes yield those same results for a treat that can satisfy gluten-free, vegan, or simply mindful eaters harboring intense chocoholic tendencies.

But don’t just take our word for it—see (and taste!) for yourself with these 13 better-for-you brownie recipes.

1. 3-Ingredient Flourless Brownies

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A brownie made from just three everyday ingredients, zero butter or oil, and free of added sugar? It seems almost too good to be true. This is one of those better-for-you and extremely easy recipes that, with one look, will make you want to sprint immediately to your kitchen to make it.

2. Flourless Double Chocolate Brownies

This brownie recipe may do away with the flour, but it makes sure to keep all the other essential elements intact with healthier alternatives to boot: The emphasis on quality chocolate, potassium-packed coconut sugar to sweeten things up, and of course, that all-important brittle top.

3. Coconut Flour Brownies

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These coconut flour-based goodies are low-carb but don’t compromise on taste. Instead, the focus is on healthy fats, from “good” cholesterol-boosting coconut oil to walnuts for added protein and a bonus crunch factor.

4. Healthy Brownies With Pumpkin

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Pumpkin takes over for flour in these gluten-free treats. As a result, each chocolaty square is loaded with vitamin A for healthy vision and cell function. All you’ll taste is the chocolate chips and cocoa powder, though, making this recipe another way to sneak more veggies into your (or any picky eater’s) diet.

5. Fudgy Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Brownies

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These chewy brownies are made a bit more wholesome thanks to the use of natural nut butter (sans the heart-clogging hydrogenated oils) and applesauce instead of butter. And just in case chocolate chips and cocoa in the batter isn’t enough chocolate for you, the blogger calls for extra chips on top.

6. Fudge Brownies With Greek Yogurt

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A faithful substitute for excess fat in baked goods, Greek yogurt does double duty here, stepping in for both butter and eggs to keep these babies from drying out while adding a boost of lean protein. You won’t miss the pound of butter when you take one gooey bite of the end result.

7. Zucchini Chocolate Brownies

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There’s a devious satisfaction that comes from biting into a chocolate-packed, chocolate chip-topped brownie, knowing that two cups of potassium-packed zucchini were packed into the batter. The hidden healthy ingredients don’t end there either: Whole-wheat flour adds extra fiber, and applesauce stands in for butter.

8. Grain-Free Sweet Potato Brownies

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Mashed sweet potatoes give your brownies a grain-free, superfood upgrade: While powering them up with cancer-fighting beta-carotenes, their natural sweetness cuts down on the need for too much sugar. Meanwhile, nut butter acts as the main fat source, lending a depth of flavor and heart-healthy benefits to each chocolaty bite.

9. Avocado Brownies

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With a mild flavor and chock-full of fiber and monounsaturated fat, avocados are the ideal alternative to butter for healthier baking. Here, they are joined by ground almonds—an equally nutritious source of fat—to create flourless brownies that are as rich as a classic recipe.

10. Double Chocolate Quinoa Brownies

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It’s not just for salads or an alternative to fried rice: Quinoa can do dessert too! The fiber- and protein-packed seed plays a central role in these sugar-dusted beauties. Kept moist with coconut oil and yogurt, this recipe defies anyone who says gluten-free treats taste like cardboard.

11. Fudgy Dark Chocolate Raspberry Brownies

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The tart raspberries stirred into this batter prevent it from crossing over into “cloyingly sweet” territory. A stevia-based drizzle on top makes the bars extra pretty without the sugar overload.

12. No-Bake Chocolate Brownies

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A silky chocolate frosting sits on top of a crunchy, cocoa-dusted base of dates and mixed nuts. These may be a bit denser than baked brownies, but rest assured, they’re bursting with good-for-you, mostly unsaturated fats. Plus, a small slice can go a long way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

13. The Best Healthier Brownies

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While a whopping one and a half cups of dark chocolate chips go into these brownies (and that’s just the batter, the chocolate frosting is another story!), coconut sugar and Greek yogurt keep the refined sugar level down and the protein quantity up. It’s a great example of not having to give up treats in order to keep things on the healthy side. Bonus: Check out the nifty how-to video that walks you through the recipe.

13 Bomb-Ass Healthy Brownie Recipes (2024)


Are brownies healthy? ›

Since brownies are not nutritionally dense, they are not usually regarded as a healthy food. However, brownies do have some health benefits that might be surprising due to their chocolate content. Chocolate is a source of antioxidants and has been found to help lower blood pressure and increase good cholesterol levels.

How to pimp Betty Crocker brownie mix? ›

Add a teaspoon of instant coffee or espresso powder. Throw in a handful of nuts—pecans, walnuts, macadamia, whatever you have on hand. Scoop in a palmful of dried or frozen fruit. Add an extra splash of the top-shelf vanilla extract, or a dab of vanilla paste, or a dash of vanilla powder, to the batter.

Should you add baking powder to brownies? ›

Cocoa powder: Of course, you'll need cocoa powder for chocolate brownies! Vanilla: Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor of the brownies. Baking powder: Baking powder acts as a leavener, which means it helps the brownies rise. Salt: A pinch of salt enhances the flavors of the other ingredients.

What does brownies do to your body? ›

Brownies are a great source of protein and fiber, which helps you feel full longer. Protein also works as an appetite suppressant, so you won't be as tempted to snack on unhealthy foods later on in the day. There are so many reasons why adding brownies to your diet is a great idea. First of all, they're delicious!

Do brownies raise your cholesterol? ›

Many desserts, such as brownies, cookies, cake and ice cream, contain saturated fat, sugar and other refined carbs. Too much of any of these in your diet can cause your cholesterol and triglycerides to increase, and both of those can raise your risk of heart disease.

How to doctor up box brownies? ›

For an easy boost to your boxed brownie mix, sprinkle in about a half cup of add-ins to give brownie batter a personal touch. Although nuts, chocolate and peanut butter chips, and mini marshmallows are easy wins here, this method invites creativity, and the options are truly limitless.

What does adding an extra egg to brownie mix do? ›

If you want to get a little more creative with your brownie mix hacks, add an extra egg to the batter. The extra protein will help thicken up the batter and make it fluffier, creating a more decadent, fudgy texture. You can also add the yolk by itself in addition to the 2 eggs a box brownie mix typically calls for.

What can I add to brownie mix to make it better? ›

Vanilla extract – Pure vanilla extract adds rich flavor to brownies. Eggs – Most brownie mixes call for one whole egg. Adding one large egg plus an extra egg yolk gives brownies an ultra fudgy texture.

What is the forbidden brownie? ›

It doesn't get much more decadent than this! Indulge in Forbidden Chocolate ® ice cream with brownie chunks, signature hot fudge, Swiss Chocolate, and sprinkles.

Why do you put coffee in brownies? ›

The trick: Replace the water with coffee. You don't need much, generally ¼ to ⅓ cup. We already know that adding espresso and coffee flavor to chocolate desserts supercharges chocolate flavor, and the same principle applies here. Using coffee in your brownie mix will result in better, more chocolaty brownies.

Should brownie batter sit before baking? ›

Though making brownie batter in advance is possible, it has to be done in a specific way to prevent spoiling. Because most brownie recipes call for eggs, the batter shouldn't sit out for longer than two hours before baking.

Why is baking soda not used in brownies? ›

Many brownie recipes don't contain baking powder or baking soda; these recipes tend to be for the dense, sometimes chewy, kind. Cakelike brownies usually contain a leavening agent, which helps give them their fluffy texture. The technique you use also makes a difference in the texture of the final product.

Is it better to use cocoa powder or chocolate in brownies? ›

As compared to those made with just chocolate or a combination of the two, cocoa brownies are reliably superior in terms of texture and flavor.

Are brownies good or bad for you? ›

Brownies are considered by most people to be “unhealthy” because they are high in sugar, fat, and calories. I'm here to tell you that just because brownies contain sugar, fat, and calories doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't eat them.

Why you should buy brownies? ›

Brownies are a timeless classic.

Brownies taste divine, and are plain addictive and bursting in chocolate flavour. They're an enjoyable treat that you can indulge in anytime of the day, something sweet to reward yourself with, a wonderful mood booster, and a great gift to send to a loved one, friend or work associate.

Do brownies have a lot of carbs? ›

Total Carbohydrates: Constituting the primary calorie source in a brownie, carbs range from 30g to 40g. This includes sugars, which provide the sweetness and can range from 15g to 25g.

What has more calories cake or brownies? ›

(Incidentally, if you thought a chocolate flourless cake was lower in calories, a 6-ounce piece has about 800 calories.) A typical 6-ounce brownie has about 600 calories.


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